
I post con tag "Font" archivio

Il font della cultura pop

Wow   21.08.20  

Breve saggio di Vox sul font Cooper Black.
Questo carattere tipografico con grazie, molto pesante e oggi dal sapore vecchio stile, fu progettato da Oswald Bruce Cooper e distribuito dalla fonderia di caratteri Barnhart Brothers & Spindler nel 1922, diventando rapidamente molto diffuso, per poi affacciarsi tra le icone pop in seguito al suo utilizzo per la copertina dell'album Pet Sounds dei Beach Boys, nel 1966.
Da allora lo avrete visto un po' ovunque. Dai Doors, a David Bowie, dai titoli di testa di programmi e serie tv alle produzioni Disney, dai volantini alle insegne, sino agli impennaggi degli aerei di compagnie low-cost.


Last Resort il più curioso, speciale e sconosciuto font presente nei Mac

Wow   17.08.20  
Apple Last Resort font
Apple Last Resort font

LastResort non è un font facile da vedere. Non appare nei font selezionabili sui Mac perché è font di riserva che viene mostrato solo quando il sistema operativo non riesce a trovare un carattere corrispondente in nessuno dei suoi font.
Il font Last Resort di Apple è stato incluso per la prima volta nell'ambiente Mac con OS 8.5 del 1998, in una versione di fatto identica a quella Unicode.


Noto un font per tutte le lingue

Geek   10.10.16  

Una famiglia di caratteri tipografici adatta a rappresentare oltre 100 alfabeti e qualcosa come più di 800 tra lingue, scritture e dialetti.
Parliamo di Noto, acronimo di No More Tofu dove per tofu si intendono quei rettangoli vuoti che sostituiscono un carattere mancante, il font progettato da Google e Monotype.


I font per PC della vecchia scuola

Geek   07.02.16  

Screenshot di The Oldschool PC Font Resource

La raccolta esaustiva di font per i primi personal e home computer per appassionati di archeologia informatica.

The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack started out with the idea of paying tribute to ancient PCs and their bitmapped, pre-GUI typography (if you can call it that). It was inspired by similar efforts that cover other vintage machines: classic system fonts from the Amiga, C64, Apple II, Mac, ZX Spectrum, Atari 8-bit/ST etc. are all celebrated. On the other hand, the IBM PC and its clones seem to get little love... except for that one VGA text mode font (which has been remade numerous times, to varying degrees of success).

This collection is here to remedy that, and to bring you pixel-perfect remakes of various type styles from text-mode era PCs - in modern, multi-platform, Unicode-compatible TrueType form (plus straight bitmap versions).

Although the goal is to make it a complete resource, the main focus is on hardware character sets: the kind that's located in a ROM chip on the system board or graphics card, which is what you'd see by default when working in text (or graphics) mode. Software-loadable fonts are also within the scope of this collection (if associated with a particular machine or display system), so some of these have also made it in.


Il font più famoso con cui non avete mai scritto

Geek   30.08.15  

Il font Wingdings

È il font dingbat, quelli composti da simboli, più famoso del mondo. La storia di Wingdings raccontata da Vox.

As a means of writing sentences, Wingdings fails -- but that was never its purpose. It was created to be used as a unique tool for the pre-internet era. It was akin to emojis, but with even more utility.

Today it's easy to cut and paste images from the internet, but it used to be a lot harder. There were few ways to get images, files were way too large for puny hard drives, and they were of poor quality. Even worse, it was tough to get pictures to play nicely with text. Fonts like Wingdings provided a workaround by giving people high-quality, scalable images that didn't clog up their hard drives.

Two people made Wingdings happen: Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes (proprietors of the firm and husband-and-wife team). As designers of the font Lucida, they crafted pioneering type uniquely suited to the digital era (you can read Bigelow & Holmes's thesis on Lucida's unique traits). They were protégés of legendary designer Hermann Zapf, whose own Zapf Dingbats font, another collection of odd symbols, broke ground when it was distributed with Apple Printers in the mid-1980s.


Sweden Sans

Wow   26.10.14  

Il font Sweden Sans

Il governo svedese ha deciso di commissionare un font che rappresenti la Svezia.
Ecco come è nato il caratere Sweden Sans.

According to its creators, Stockholm design agency Söderhavet and font designer Stefan Hattenbach, Sweden Sans is a "modern" but edgy typeface with some local tweaks -- a filled umlaut for the letter "å," for instance, and a line that cuts through the zero. It’s unusual because it's mono-spaced -- every character is the same width --but takes its inspiration from old street signs.

Sans is meant to encapsulate fuzzy Scandinavian concepts -- progressivism, authenticity, lagom (Swedish for "just the right amount"). So how does it do it? "It's a pretty open typeface. They're simple shapes," Hattenbach says over the phone. "We've worked on the spaces between the letters to try to keep it light and airy." Wide holes inside of an enclosed "p" or "o" might have the same effect. To a type nerd, things get technical, and fast.

"I think it's pretty easy to tell that the descriptions are a typical sales pitch," says Rikard Heberling, a graphic designer based in Stockholm. But ultimately Sweden Sans is more about promoting "the myths of a certain Swedish taste or mentality," he says. "It is merely a branding tool."

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