Le risposte di Bill Gates su Reddit
Ieri Bill Gates ha partecipato su Reddit ad Ask me anything, una sessione aperta di domande e risposte. Ecco cosa ne è uscito:
What is the biggest obstacle the developed world needs to overcome, in order to help the developing world?
The greatest tragedy is kids who die or never get enough food to develop physically or mentally to achieve their potential. We need vaccines and nutrition to solve this. We are making progress but not fast enough.
Cynicism is the biggest barrier - www.gatesletter.com talks about this.
[...] Can you describe your new role at Microsoft?
I am excited about how the cloud and new devices can help us communicate and collaborate in new ways. The OS won't just be on one device and the information won't just be files - it will be your history including being able to review memories of things like kids growing up. I was thrilled Satya asked me to pitch in to make sure Microsoft is ambitious with its innovation. Even in Office there is a lot more than can be done.
[...] Bill,
Nuclear is notoriously expensive. How do you make sure that you manage/pick people to manage Terrapower so that it financially succeeds by building a product which makes money--and doesn't just make a dream plant?
Right now I know that Terrapower is looking at both sodium, and molten salt on the side, as a heat transfer fluid--why bridge out to so many technologies? Why not maintain a narrow focus?
Lastly, sodium plants have notoriously had issues over the history of nuclear power--both safety and cost wise--what is being done at Terrapower to make sure history isn't repeated?
I work on Molten Salts at U-Wisconsin Madison where I do a bunch of salt chemistry, which involves pushing hot salt through pipes/tubes at temperatures very similar to what Terrapower wants to run at. I'll be giving you guys a call when I get my PhD next December.
Terrapower is like most fast reactors which use Sodium cooling. We tried to stick to proven approaches wherever we could. There have been about 10 Fast Reactors. By using this approach we have no fuel problems and very limited waste generation. Most important is the inherent safety - no human involvement for shut down.
Hey Bill,
I'm actually an intern at Microsoft right now. How will your time be divided up between the foundation and Microsoft now that the CEO has asked you to step up. Also, could you host a talk for the interns. We'd love to hear about your work at the foundation and your thoughts on the future of tech.
My time will be about 2/3 Foundation and 1/3 Microsoft. I will focus on product work mostly.