
I post con tag "Doom" archivio

Giocare a Doom su Twitter

Geek   20.10.21  

Nel corso degli anni Doom è comparso un po' ovunque, da Apple Watch a Minecraft, ora lo sparatutto in prima persona arriva anche su Twitter, per merito del bot Tweet2Doom.
I giocatori potranno controllare il Doom Marine scrivendo i comandi sotto forma di tweet (qui le regole) e osservarne le azioni in brevi clip pubblicati sull'account.


Doom coi Lego

Wow   29.09.14  

Le ambientazioni e le atmosfere del videogame Doom ricreate con oltre 15.000 mattoncini Lego e tre mesi di lavoro da Iain "Ochre Jelly" Heath.


Come abbiamo creato Doom

Geek   28.01.14  

John Romero e Tom Hall, i creatori del leggendario sparatutto in prima persona degli anni '90, raccontano la genesi di Doom.

We got the title from The Color of Money – the bit where Tom Cruise explains what he keeps in his pool-cue case. At the very start, I wrote a framing story that began with a demon bursting in on a bunch of soldiers having a card game and killing everyone but the player. I wanted more story throughout to heighten the sense of dread. But id was undergoing a big change: technological advances were now dictating videogames. So for Doom to be landmark, it had to put graphics first. My story stuff – which was used as a structure, but never explicitly told – was a few years too early: the Half-Life games, the next landmark first-person shooters, were more like the sort of thing I had in mind.