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Gli effetti speciali di Star Wars: Il risveglio della Forza

Multimedia   15.01.16  

L'attento bilanciamento tra CGI ed effetti speciali tradizionali. Ecco come è nato il settimo capitolo di Guerre Stellari nell'intervista a Roger Guyett, VFX supevisor alla Industrial Light & Magic.

We could be flattered by the benign dismissal of a massive piece of work. It's flattering that people want to believe what they see. If we managed to achieve that, then we've succeeded. But 2,100 of the 2,500 shots in the film had digital effects. Hundreds of people [digital effects artists] worked on the show.

In the first Star Wars, when people watched the X-wing flying down the trench, did audiences think that was really happening? Did they believe it was a real X-wing flying? A model of an X-wing flying? What was their understanding of how real that was? Was it more real because the model was part of our world? Is that what people mean by real, a tactile thing? These are philosophical questions that you have to consider when you're doing a visual effects movie.