
I post con tag "Georgia" archivio

La danza georgiana

Wow   01.08.17  

I balli tradizionali della Georgia sono una celebrazione della vita e della cultura del paese caucasico.
Conosciuta nel mondo grazie all'opera del Georgian National Ballet, la danza georgiana cattura la grazia, la bellezza, il rispetto, l'onore e il coraggio dei popoli georgiani con la particolare usanza per i ballerini di danzare sulle punte senza calzare scarpette da punta e per le ballerine di scivolare sul palco danzando come cigni.


Perché l'Abkhazia non può diventare un altro Kosovo

Res publica   16.09.11  

L'instabile situazione della repubblica separatista georgiana, sostenuta dalla Russia, raccontata su Foreign Policy.

The differences between the two cases are stark. First, the most heinous crimes in Kosovo were committed by Serbians, the adversaries of secession; in Abkhazia, they were committed by the secessionists and their Russian allies. Second, the right of return of refugees to Kosovo was a precondition for self-determination; in Abkhazia, the so-called self-determination is linked with the refusal to allow the return of internally displaced people.

Put simply, Kosovo's independence was a way of punishing ethnic cleansing. In Abkhazia, such recognition would represent a chilling validation of ethnic cleansing, and a reward to its authors.

And there's more that makes the Kosovo parallel problematic. The processes leading to independence and recognition also could not have been more different. Abkhaz leaders have refused several peace plans proposed by the Georgian government, the United Nations, and Germany. In Kosovo's case, however, it was the Serbian government of Slobodan Milosevic that rejected peace efforts. After the war, Kosovo came under U.N. administration for nine years before its independence was recognized by a vast coalition of countries, including the United States and most European nations. In Abkhazia, international organizations have been denied entry, and its so-called independence has been recognized only by Russia and three other non-European countries, which all receive Russian financial support.



Res publica   13.08.08  

Il ministro Frattini ha deciso di non interrompere la sua vacanza alle Maldive, per partecipare alla riunione sulla crisi georgiana indetta dall'Unione Europea.

Pare che a Bruxelles nessuno si sia accorto della sua assenza.