
I post con tag "Jonathan Ive" archivio

Jony Ive, professione designer

Wow   16.02.15  

Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere su sir Jony Ive, senior vice president of design presso Apple, ma non avete mai osato chiedere raccontato dal New Yorker.

Ive explained that, had he centered the Digital Crown, the watch would be a quite different product. "It's just literal. And you could say, 'Why is that an issue?' Well, if it's literally referencing what’s happened in the past, the information about what it does is then wrong." The crown rotates, which is reassuring, but it doesn't wind the watch or adjust hands. The goal, Ive said, was to create "the strangely familiar."

"There are some shocking cars on the road," Ive said. "One person's car is another person’s scenery." To his right was a silver sedan with a jutting lower lip. Ive said, quietly, "For example." As the disgraced car fell behind, I asked Ive to critique its design: "It is baffling, isn’t it? It's just nothing, isn't it? It's just insipid." He declined to name the model, muttering, "I don't know, I don't want to offend." (Toyota Echo.)


Disegnare il domani

Wow   18.03.14  

L'esclusiva intervista di John Arlidge per Time a Jony Ive, design chief di Apple.

He spent "months and months and months" working out the exact shape of the stand of the desktop iMac computer because "it's very hard to design something that you almost do not see because it just seems so obvious, natural and inevitable". When he has finished a product, even one as fresh and iconic as the white headphones that came with the first iPod, he is haunted by the idea: could I have done it better? "It's an affliction designers are cursed with," Ive frowns.

It was an affliction he shared with Jobs, although he seemed to apply it to everything, with -- almost -- funny consequences. Ive recalls traveling with Jobs. "We'd get to the hotel where we were going, we'd check in and I'd go up to my room. I'd leave my bags by the door. I wouldn't unpack. I'd go and sit on the bed and wait for the inevitable call from Steve: 'Hey Jony, this hotel sucks. let's go.'"


La Leica M firmata Jony Ive

Geek   10.10.13  

La Leica M firmata Jony Ive

La Leica M firmata Jony Ive

L'anno scorso era uscita la notizia che Jony Ive, il designer del successo di Apple, era al lavoro per creare il nuovo modello di Leica M per il brand (RED), i cui proventi finanziano il fondo in favore della lotta all'AIDS.
Oggi questa splendida Leica M for (RED) vede la luce. Sarà messa all'asta da Sotheby's il prossimo 23 novembre.


Jony Ive e i progetti di zaini per la scuola

Multimedia   20.02.13  

Jony Ive ha partecipato al programma televisivo inglese per bambini Blue Peter. Da 50 anni in onda sulla BBC, Blue Peter è uno spettacolo di intrattenimento per bambini dedicato all'arte e a lavori di bricolage, molto simile per format ad Art Attack.
Nella puntata Ive ha analizzato alcuni progetti immaginati dai bambini per zaini scolastici innovativi e ricevuto, non senza una certa dose di commozione, lo stemma d'oro del programma, assegnato alle personalità che più ispirano le nuove generazioni, ricambiando con uno analogo in formato unibody.


La visione di Jony Ive

Geek   30.10.12  

John Gruber racconta l'allontanamento di Scott Forstall da Apple e il peso sempre crescente di Jony Ive e del suo look&feel minimal.
Una lunghissima carriera da NeXT al successo di iOS, dalla passione condivisa con Steve Jobs per lo skeumorfismo agli attriti con il gruppo dirigente sino al fallimento delle mappe made in cupertino. Un passaggio di consegne che segna l'inizio di una nuova era per l'azienda della mela morsicata.

Jony Ive will provide leadership and direction for Human Interface (HI) across the company in addition to his role as the leader of Industrial Design. His incredible design aesthetic has been the driving force behind the look and feel of Apple’s products for more than a decade.

Eddy Cue will take on the additional responsibility of Siri and Maps, placing all of our online services in one group. [...] Craig Federighi will lead both iOS and OS X.


La Leica di Jony Ive

Wow   18.09.12  

L'iconico designer di Apple realizzerà una fotocamera per Leica destinata a una raccolta fondi di beneficenza. Il modello, una Leica M prodotta in un unico esemplare, sarà messo all'asta.


Sir Jonathan Ive

Res publica   31.12.11  

Il Senior Vice President of Industrial Design di Apple, per gli amici Jony Ive, ha ricevuto il l'onorificenza di Knight Commander of the British Empire (KBE).


Jony Ive, l'uomo che ha rivoluzionato il design

Wow   28.03.11  

Jonathan Ive

Dietro ad ogni iPod, iMac, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, a quelle forme, a quei materiali e a quei colori c'è lui. Jonathan Ive, designer e senior vice president in quel di Cupertino.

Il Daily Mail lo racconta così.

Few Westerners have ever seen the forging of a Japanese samurai sword. It's considered a sacred practice in Japan; one of the few traditional arts that has yet to be bettered by modern science. Japanese smiths work through the night (better to judge the heat of metal by eye) hammering, melting and forging by hand to produce the finest blades in the world.

The steel is folded and refolded thousands of times to create a hard outer layer and a softer inner core resulting in a singular blade: terrifyingly sharp but far less prone to breaking than any sword forged in the West.

Once the blade is complete it is polished to a mirror finish, an elaborate procedure that itself can take weeks. The long and laborious process pushes metal to its absolute limit – which is precisely why Jonathan Ive wanted to see it first hand.

Ive endlessly seeks crucial knowledge that can help him to make the thinnest computing devices in the world, so it surprised no one at Apple that their obsessive design genius would take a 14-hour flight for a meeting with one of Japan’s leading makers of katana.