
I post con tag "Motori Di Ricerca" archivio

La sfida di DuckDuckGo a Google

Geek   22.02.14  

Co.Labs racconta la nascita e l'affermazione di DuckDuckGo, il piccolo motore di ricerca tutto orientato alla privacy e all'instant answering nato nel 2008 da un'intuizione di Gabriel Weinberg.

Weinberg didn't originally set out to build a search engine. After shuttering one failed startup and selling another to Classmates.com for $10 million in 2006, the MIT grad found himself exploring several new ideas. Across multiple projects, he focused on structured data, Quora-style Q&A, and programmatically combating spam.

"I started all of these projects independently and none of them really took off," Weinberg says. "Then I realized, maybe if I put them all together, there might be an interesting search experience there."

The result was DuckDuckGo, a search engine offering direct answers to people's queries, rather than merely delivering a list of links. Below these so-called "Instant Answers," the site still displays traditional, link-by-link search results syndicated from third parties like Bing and Yandex but, crucially, they're filtered and reorganized to reduce spam.


La storia dell'autocompletamento sui motori di ricerca

Geek   25.08.13  

La nascita della funzione inventata da Kevin Gibbs consente di avere una serie di parole o stringhe intuite automaticamente dal browser a parire dalle prime lettere digitate dall'utente in un campo di ricerca - possibile grazie ai big data, ad Ajax e alla banda larga - raccontata da AllThingsD.

Google Suggest was built by Kevin Gibbs, a recent Stanford grad who joined Google just a couple of months before it went public. Having spent a few years at IBM, Gibbs was drawn by the lure of big projects and "20 percent time," as well as a new program that would shuttle workers from San Francisco to Mountain View headquarters (today, ubiquitous Google Buses are the bane of anti-gentrification San Franciscans, but at the time there was just one trip a day from the Glen Park transit station).
When he started at Google, Gibbs's role was to work on the systems infrastructure that helped run Google's data centers, so there wasn't much of his day job he could do from a laptop on the shuttle, with its crappy Edge Internet connection, Gibbs said in a recent interview.