Gizmodo riassume le scoperte e le conferme emerse dallo straordinario lavoro di ricerca compiuto dall'ESA sulla composizione e la natura della cometa 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, grazie ai dati inviati dalla sonda Rosetta e dal lander Philae.
The historic Rosetta mission has finally come to an end. Over the past two years, the probe's many instruments have scanned virtually every nook and cranny of this weirdly shaped rock, unleashing a treasure trove of new information about comets in general, and 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko in particular.
When Halley's Comet paid us a visit back in 1986, the European Space Agency's Giotto spacecraft was sent to explore the incoming ball of ice and dirt. By the time the mission was over, it became glaringly obvious that if we were ever going to learn anything about comets, we're going to have to get a bit closer. Like, a lot closer.