
I post con tag "Teheran" archivio

Da Teheran al Bahrein

Res publica   15.02.11  

Ieri altre manifestazioni popolari hanno sconvolto il mondo arabo.

Due i morti a Manama, capitale del Bahrein. Da anni la maggioranza sciita del piccolo arcipelago nel Golfo Persico mal sopporto la dinastia sunnita al potere.

A Teheran le opposizioni tornano a scendere compatte in piazza Enghelab dopo le imponenti manifestazioni del 2009.
La protesta, non autorizzata dal regime iraniano e ispirata ancora dai leader Mousavi e Karroubi, si è scontrata con la determinazione della polizia.
Le strade della capitale, ma non solo, si sono trasformate in un ennesimo teatro di battaglia. Alla fine della giornata si registrava un morto e 250 persone arrestate.
Oggi dai banchi parlamentari la maggioranza conservatrice ha invocato la forca per i responsabili degli scontri.

Intanto nello Yemen, il paese più povero della penisola arabica, cresce il malcontento verso il regime di Saleh e si prosegue a manifestare da San'a ad Aden.


Il verde Islam

Res publica   14.01.10  

Le proteste di Teheran e la nuova teologia in Iran nell'analisi politica di Abbas Milani.

The Green Movement is a revolt against theocracy. Most of its adherents are young Iranians with little or no religious motivation. Yet, an iconic figure of the revolt was the nation's highest-ranking cleric, Grand Ayatollah Hussein Ali Montazeri; and, last month, Ashura, a holy day celebrating martyrdom, occasioned some of the movement's most massive protests.

Perhaps the fact that the movement has acquired a Shia veneer shouldn't be terribly surprising. During the past century, no social movement in Iran has succeeded without draping itself in religion or without a strong Shia contingent in its leadership.

But to limit the discussion of the Green Movement's religiosity to rhetoric and political maneuverings is to diminish the significance of the happening. The Green Movement (and the Ayatollah Khamenei’s clumsy response to it) has exacerbated a split with Shiism. It has accelerated the development of profound and potentially far-reaching doctrinal innovations. The course of the coming months will determine the extent to which these innovations will transform Shiism and Iran.


Iran in rivolta

Res publica   27.12.09  

Non si placano gli scontri a Teheran.

Government forces also attacked cars whose drivers had honked in support of the protesters, and smashed their windows. Many vehicles’ license plates were taken away.
"They beat up people relentlessly although many were in mourning groups for Imam Hussein," said a witness, who spoke via Skype on the condition of anonymity. "I saw many people with bloody noses or limping away. It was clear that they particularly targeted women and savagely beat them."