
I post con tag "The Simpsons" archivio

I Simpson e i riferimenti al grande cinema

Multimedia   12.02.16  

La grandezza dei Simpson si trova anche nei dettagli. Celia Gomez ha raccolto un supercut di riferimenti e omaggi al grande cinema presenti negli episodi della famiglia più gialla di Springfield. Da Trainspotting a Quarto Potere, passando per gli immancabili Kubrick e Hitchcock.



Multimedia   15.03.15  



Ecco cosa succede quando i Simpson incontrano uno dei più iconici manga del XX secolo, Akira di Katsuhiro Otomo.

This is Bartkira. As Kotaku first mentioned when the crowd-sourced project first launched, Bartkira is inspired by artist Ryan Humphrey's art (see below) and spearheaded by cartoonist James Harvey.

With over 500 hundred artists worldwide, each contributor works in his or her own style, with the central concept being that this is The Simpsons meets Akira.


Deposito pneumatici di Springfield, in fiamme dagli anni '80

Multimedia   09.03.15  

Scena tratta da The Simpsons

Scena tratta da The Simpsons

Scena tratta da The Simpsons

Scena tratta da The Simpsons

A volte durano solo lo spazio di qualche secondo, ma la prossima volta che vedrete un episodio dei Simpson prestate attenzione ai cartelli e alle insegne presenti; molto spesso le battute che contengono valgono già da sole la visione della puntata.
Questa è una raccolta di 29 tra le insegne più belle.

Non è un caso se i Simpson sono una tra le serie televisive più celebrate della storia.


L'inglese dei Simpson

Res publica   21.12.14  

Come i Simpson hanno cambiato la lingua inglese secondo il blog degli Oxford Dictionaries.

The first episode of The Simpsons aired twenty-five years ago, on 17 December, 1989, and since then, English has never been the same. Homer, Bart, Lisa, Marge, and their friends in Springfield, Wherever-it-is, have given us fancy words of pure invention, worthy of Lewis Carroll, like cromulent 'legitimate, but not really', and words built from worthy English parts, like the blend of opposites in craptacular 'crappy, with attitude' and embiggening 'enlarging', as well as catch phrases like cowabunga, dude!, and Don't have a cow. Embiggening is the sort of word you make up from scratch when you're lacking the edumacation to know that enlarge already exists, and edumacation is the sort of word you use if you also use embiggening. The infix -ma- is a Homerism, and it's productive -- metabomalism, pantomamime, macamadamia, saxomaphone -- in words that already have too many syllables for Homer to handle. He hears and reanalyzes them in a rock-a-bye nursery rhyme rhythm. For all of Homer's verbal pyromatechnics, however, Ned Flanders is the series' king of indiddlyfixing.


L'economia dei Simpson

Multimedia   03.05.14  

Homer Economicus è il libro di Joshua Hall che prende a prestito Springfield, la fittizia città natale dei Simpsons, per spiegare i fondamenti dell'economia.

Since The Simpsons centers on the daily lives of the Simpson family and its colorful neighbors, three opening chapters focus on individual behavior and decision-making, introducing readers to the economic way of thinking about the world. Part II guides readers through six chapters on money, markets, and government. A third and final section discusses timely topics in applied microeconomics, including immigration, gambling, and health care as seen in The Simpsons. Reinforcing the nuts and bolts laid out in any principles text in an entertaining and culturally relevant way, this book is an excellent teaching resource that will also be at home on the bookshelf of an avid reader of pop economics.

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