La nuova interfaccia web di Twitter
Anno nuovo e nuova interfaccia web per Twitter, ora finalmente coerente con il design delle versioni per smartphone iOS e Android.
Anno nuovo e nuova interfaccia web per Twitter, ora finalmente coerente con il design delle versioni per smartphone iOS e Android.
Alcuni scienziati stanno cercando tracce del passaggio di viaggiatori temporali su Twitter. Finora non hanno avuto successo.
Here, three implementations of Internet searches for time travelers are described, all seeking a prescient mention of information not previously available. The first search covered prescient content placed on the Internet, highlighted by a comprehensive search for specific terms in tweets on Twitter. The second search examined prescient inquiries submitted to a search engine, highlighted by a comprehensive search for specific search terms submitted to a popular astronomy web site. The third search involved a request for a direct Internet communication, either by email or tweet, pre-dating to the time of the inquiry. Given practical verifiability concerns, only time travelers from the future were investigated.
Twitter esordirà a Wall Street fra poche ore con l'attenzione dei trader tutta rivolta sul prezzo finale delle azioni che, secondo indiscrezioni, dovrebbe aggirarsi intorno ai 27 dollari. Il Wall Street Journal analizza i possibili rischi dell'operazione per non ripetere il caso Facebook.
Twitter ha introdotto la possibilità - attiva di default, ma si può disabilitare dal menu impostazioni - di visualizzare l'anteprima di immagini e video direttamente nel feed principale.
Da oggi cambia il modo di usare Twitter.
Le potenzialità del modello di business di Twitter nel giorno in chi con un tweet è stato dato l'annuncio dell'inizio delle pratiche legali per il collocamento in borsa.
Twitter is poised to be a big player in the fast-growing realm of mobile advertising. Just three days ago it splashed a reported $350 million to buy MoPub, the world's largest mobile ad exchange, which allows advertisers to target users on their mobile devices. That might sound mundane, but in a blog post on Tuesday, former Facebooker Antonio Garcia argued that it actually makes Twitter "the most interesting company in advertising right now." That's quite an assertion, coming from the man who built Facebook's own ad exchange. His full post is worth a read if you're into this sort of thing, but in short, MoPub will give Twitter a platform through which to sell mobile ads that target users based on data that Twitter has collected from them on their desktop computers. That's big, because the relatively sparse data available on users' mobile phones has made such targeting difficult in the past.
In short, Twitter doesn't make piles of money today, but it has the potential to become a much bigger player in the years to come, especially as people continue to do more of their social networking, news-reading, and shopping on their phones.
Il gruppo Syrian Electronic Army si assume la paternità degli attacchi informatici contro Twitter e il New York Times che ha causato - e sta causando - numerosi disservizi ai due siti web.
La guerra dei mini video tra Facebook e Twitter si consuma in nove secondi. TechCrunch ha messo a confronto le potenzialità di Instagram Video e Vine.
Instagram just launched video functionality. Glorious, 15-second, editable video functionality. Complete with image stabilization.
So what does this mean for Vine? In the end, the competition should give users plenty to be excited about, whether you're a Vine loyalist or an Instagrammaholic. And both apps will likely continue to thrive, as I've stated a few times already. Where Instagram's user base is mostly made up of people documenting their feet, coffees, and pets, Vine has attracted a group of users who are pleased by the challenges set forth in the app.
Instagram's filters, longer video length, stability technology and already-ingrained user behavior will keep its video offering very similar to its photo offering. People will now just post videos of their feet, coffees, and pets. At the same time, Vine's growing community of creatives and tinkering designers will likely continue to blossom, as well.
Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD...
La splendida bio con cui Hillary Clinton ha debuttato oggi su Twitter.
Il team di Visual Insights di Twitter ha realizzato queste stupende mappe visuali che aggregano tutti i tweet geotaggati dal 2009 a oggi.