
I post con tag "Walter Isaacson" archivio

Un nuovo titolo per la biografia di Steve Jobs

Multimedia   06.07.11  

Walter Isaacson, autore della biografia autorizzata sul CEO di Apple, ha convinto l'editore a cambiare il titolo alla sua ultima fatica, da iSteve: The Book of Jobs a un più tradizionale Steve Jobs: a biography.

The old one, iSteve: The Book of Jobs, was chosen by Simon & Schuster's publicity department. The author, Walter Isaacson, was never quite sure about it. His wife and daughter, however, were. They thought it was too cutesy. And now Isaacson has persuaded his publisher to go with something simpler and more elegant.


Vita e opere di Steve Jobs

Multimedia   16.02.10  

Sembra che Steve Jobs consideri possibile la realizzazione di una biografia autorizzata.
La stesura verrebbe affidata a Walter Isaacson, già CEO e chairman di CNN e managing editor su Time, oggi CEO dell'Aspen Institute. Autore di "Einstein: His Life and Universe" e "Benjamin Franklin: An American Life".

Un evento epocale che sconvolerà il mercato delle Bibbie.

The book, which is in the early planning stages, would cover the entire life of Mr. Jobs, from his youth in the area now known as Silicon Valley through his years at Apple, these people said.