
I post con tag "Marte" archivio

Elon Musk e la colonizzazione di Marte in dettaglio

Geek   15.06.17  

Su New Space si possono leggere le linee guida dell'ambizioso progetto di Elon Musk per colonizzare Marte con costi e tempi ragionevoli.

The rocket booster and the spaceship take off and launch the spaceship into orbit. The rocket booster then comes back quite quickly, within about 20 minutes. So, it can actually launch the tanker version of the spacecraft, which is essentially the same as the spaceship but filling up the unpressurized and pressurized cargo areas with propellant tanks... Then, the propellant tanker goes up anywhere from three to five times to fill the tanks of the spaceship in orbit. Once the tanks are full, the cargo has been transferred, and we reach the Mars rendezvous timing, which is roughly every 26 months, that is when the ship would depart... Over time, there were would be many spaceships. You would ultimately have upwards of 1,000 or more spaceships waiting in orbit. Hence, the Mars Colonial fleet would depart en masse.

[...] The threshold for a self-sustaining city on Mars or a civilization would be a million people. If you can only go every 2 years and if you have 100 people per ship, that is 10,000 trips. Therefore, at least 100 people per trip is the right order of magnitude, and we may end up expanding the crew section and ultimately taking more like 200 or more people per flight in order to reduce the cost per person. However, 10,000 flights is a lot of flights, so ultimately you would really want in the order of 1,000 ships... it would take 40–100 years to achieve a fully self-sustaining civilization on Mars.


Cosa sappiamo dell'Interplanetary Transport System di SpaceX

Geek   27.09.16  

Interplanetary Transport System

We're thinking about names. The first ship that goes to Mars, my current favorite for it is Heart of Gold from The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Roadmap e dettagli tecnici sull'imponente Interplanetary Transport System, il sistema di SpaceX presentato da Elon Musk all'International Astronautical Congress, studiato per colonizzare il pianeta Marte in tempi brevissimi, ma progettato per raggiungere e atterrare su qualunque superficie planetaria o lunare del sistema Solare, raccolti punto per punto da The Verge.

The goal of SpaceX is really to build the transport system. It's like building the Union-Pacific Railroad. And once that transport system is built, then there's a tremendous opportunity for anyone who wants to go to Mars and create something new, or build the foundations of a new planet.


Atterrare su Marte in soggettiva

Geek   07.10.15  

Luke Fitch ha raccolto le immagini scattete durante la discesa su Marte del rover della NASA Curiosity per mostrare in soggettiva l'atterraggio sul pianeta.

This is a full-resolution version of the NASA Curiosity rover descent to Mars and landing, taken by the MARDI descent imager. As of August 20, all but a dozen 1600x1200 frames have been uploaded from the rover, and those missing were interpolated using thumbnail data. The result was applied a heavy noise reduction, color balance, and sharpening for best visibility.

The video plays at 15fps, or 3x realtime. The heat shield impacts in the lower left frame at 0:21, and is shown enlarged at the end of the video.


L'acqua scorre su Marte

Geek   28.09.15  

Tracce di acqua che scorre sulla superficie di Marte

La NASA ha annunciato la presenza di acqua salata (o per meglio dire sali idrati) che scorre sulla superficie di Marte in piccoli ruscelli che periodicamente lasciano striature scure e umide sul terreno, prima di evaporare.

Liquid water runs down canyons and crater walls over the summer months on Mars, according to researchers who say the discovery raises the odds of the planet being home to some form of life.

The trickles leave long, dark stains on the Martian terrain that can reach hundreds of metres downhill in the warmer months, before they dry up in the autumn as surface temperatures drop.

Images taken from the Mars orbit show cliffs, and the steep walls of valleys and craters, streaked with summertime flows that in the most active spots combine to form intricate fan-like patterns.

Scientists are unsure where the water comes from, but it may rise up from underground ice or salty aquifers, or condense out of the thin Martian atmosphere.

"There is liquid water today on the surface of Mars," Michael Meyer, the lead scientist on Nasa's Mars exploration programme, told the Guardian. "Because of this, we suspect that it is at least possible to have a habitable environment today."


Il diario marziano di Curiosity

Geek   29.04.15  

Giorno per giorno il racconto interattivo delle tappe più importanti nell'esplorazione di Marte sul percorso del rover Curiosity della NASA.

The six-wheeled Curiosity rover is NASA's rock star. Since August 2012, when it landed in Gale Crater on Mars, it has been spending its days (or "sols" on Mars) hunting for environments where past life might have thrived. It has traveled about 10 kilometers, drilled into six rocks, analyzed three scoops of dirt and revealed the watery history of its landing site. As Curiosity begins to climb a mountain for some vertical geologizing, Science News imagined key entries from the rover's personal diary, logged as the 1-ton machine made its way across the Martian landscape. Each excerpt opens with a tweet actually posted by NASA on Curiosity's behalf at the Twitter name @MarsCuriosity.


La prima maratona marziana

Geek   25.03.15  

Il rover della NASA Opportunity si è spinto più lontano di ogni suo predecessore, superando i 42 km nell'esplorazione della superficie di Marte.
Ora il record da battere per la maratona marziana è di 11 anni e 2 mesi.

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