
I post con tag "Windows 8" archivio

La visione di Windows 8

Geek   31.08.11  

Il futuro sistema operativo di Microsoft ripensa integralmente se stesso puntando sulla nuova interfaccia Metro senza tralasciare le apprezzate caratteristiche di Windows 7.
L'idea è quella di adattare il sistema operativo all'utente e non viceversa.

Windows 8 brings together all the power and flexibility you have in your PC today with the ability to immerse yourself in a Metro style experience. You don’t have to compromise! You carry one device that does everything you want and need. You can connect that device to peripherals you want to use. You can use devices designed to dock to large screen displays and other peripherals. You can use convertible devices that can be both immersive tablets and flexible laptops.

Which brings us back to the improvements we’re making to the desktop experience: we believe in the Windows desktop. It powers the experiences today that make a Windows 7 PC the most popular device in the world. So, even if we believe that over time many scenarios will be well-served by Metro style apps, for the foreseeable future, the desktop is going to continue to play a key role in many people’s lives. So we are going to improve it. We’re having a good dialog about what folks might think about our design choices but also wanted to put these choices in a broader context of the unmatched utility of the desktop.

Our design goal was clear: no compromises. If you want to, you can seamlessly switch between Metro style apps and the improved Windows desktop. Existing apps, devices, and tools all remain and are improved in Windows 8. On the other hand, if you prefer to immerse yourself in only Metro style apps (and platform) and the new user experience, you can do that as well! Developers can target the APIs that make sense for the software they wish to deliver. People can debate how much they need or don't need different aspects of the product, but that has always been the case. All of this is made possible by the flexibility of Windows.


Costruire Windows 8

Geek   15.08.11  

Il nuovo blog degli sviluppatori Microsoft di Windows 8.

Building the next release of Microsoft Windows is an industry-wide effort that Microsoft approaches with a strong sense of responsibility and humility. Windows 8 reimagines Windows for a new generation of computing devices, and will be the very best operating system for hundreds of millions of PCs, new and old, used by well over a billion people globally.

We've been hard at work designing and building Windows 8, and today we want to begin an open dialog with those of you who will be trying out the pre-release version over the coming months. We intend to post regularly throughout the development of Windows 8, and to focus on the engineering of the product. Welcome to "Building Windows 8," or as we call it, "B8."


La nera schermata della morte

Geek   27.04.11  

Il futuro BSoD di Windows 8

Il tristemente noto Blu Screen of Death di Windows, la schermata di errore irreversibile su Windows, potrebbe assumere un più elegante colore nero dalla versione 8 del sistema operativo di Microsoft.
L'acronimo resterà il medesimo per retrocompatibilità.


Windows 8 sarà la nuova pietra miliare di Microsoft

Geek   25.10.10  

Una scommessa rischiosa. Un filesystem completamente rinnovato. Windows App Store, riconoscimento facciale, avvio istantaneo, reinstallazione rapida. Qualcosa di completamente nuovo e diverso dal più classico e usato sistema operativo del mondo.

Sono queste le premesse di Windows 8, che dovrebbe vedere la luce tra un paio di anni.
Alcune già ascoltate in diverse occasioni, WinFS vi dice niente?

Solo la golden master ci dirà se Windows ha deciso davvero di ripensare interamente il suo sistema operativo e se la scommessa sarà vincente.