
Le elezioni neozelandesi annotate

Res publica   27.11.11  

Il National Party del primo ministro di centro destra John Key si riconferma alla guida della Nuova Zelanda, ma senza ottenere quella maggioranza assoluta dei seggi cercata e sperata.
World Election analizza nel dettaglio l'esito della consultazione elettorale.

John Key has been a fairly popular Prime Minister, and at any rate, New Zealand rarely turfs out first-term governments unless they've done something quite disagreeable or have been terrible. The country has been affected by the recession, and its unemployment rate is now 6%, but GDP growth is strong at 2% and projected to reach 3.8% in 2012. The government cut taxes, but increased the GST and minimum wage. Above all, Key is seen as a pleasant "Kiwi bloke" as opposed to Labour leader Phil Goff, seen as incompetent and desperate. The government was handed a nice boost by the All Blacks' win in the Rugby World Cup earlier this year. Alongside the election, National also followed through with its election promise to hold a referendum on keeping or changing MMP. FPTP, STV, SM and preferential voting were the four proposed options in case voters voted to change MMP. Like most similar referendums, few voters seemed to care very much about the topic.

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