
La notte in cui tornò Steve Jobs

Res publica   28.03.13  

Il ritorno di Steve Jobs alla apple

Era il 20 dicembre del 1996 e Steve Jobs tornava a calcare il palco della Apple.
Tim Holmes, Mac OS evangelist, fotografò la storia con una Apple QuickTake.

Working late on a Friday on December 20th at Apple Computer as Mac OS Evangelist, my manager came rushing past my office door saying to come with him to Town Hall, Apple's theater for announcements, company meetings and the like. It was clearly not a company meeting...

I called Mitch, my wife who also worked there at the time, and told her meet me there. We had no idea what was about to happen...

I tend to take a camera everywhere, so I had my Apple QuickTake camera, which Steve Jobs killed within the year. The colors are way off due to the poor quality of digital cameras in 1996, Steve's jacket was black in real life.

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