
Geek archivio

5 millenni di eclissi solari

Geek   21.07.17  

Un database di eclissi solari.

During the 5,000-year period from -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE), Earth will experience 11,898 eclipses of the Sun. The statistical distribution of eclipse types for this interval is as follows : 4,200 partial eclipses, 3,956 annular eclipses, 3,173 total eclipses and 569 hybrid eclipses. All the data accessed through this interface is provided by Fred Espenak and Jean Meeus (NASA Technical Publication TP-2006-214141). The data available is described in greater detail in the Key to Solar Eclipse Catalogs.


La programmazione nel 2017

Geek   20.07.17  

Un'indagine sull'uso dei linguaggi di programmazione del 2017. Un contenitore di open data per stilare classifiche sullo stato della programmazione in continua evoluzione, dalle app ai desktop, dal web ai server.

This app ranks the popularity of dozens of programming languages. You can filter them by listing only those most relevant to particular sectors, such as "Web" or "embedded programming." Rankings are created by weighting and combining 12 metrics from 10 sources. We offer preset weightings—the default is our IEEE Spectrum ranking—but there are presets for those interested in what's trending or most looked for by employers. Don't like the defaults? Take complete control and create your own ranking by adjusting each metric's weighting yourself. To compare with a previous year's data, click "Add a Comparison" and then click "Edit Ranking," which will give you the option to compare with data from 2014, 2015, or 2016.


Centinaia di numeri di Galaxy Science Fiction gratis online

Geek   15.07.17  

L'archivio dal 1950 al 1976 di Galaxy Science Fiction, una delle migliori riviste di fantascienza di tutti i tempi, è disponibile gratuitamente su Archive.org.
Fahrenheit 451 di Ray Bradbury, L'uomo disintegrato di Alfred Bester, Abissi d'acciaio di Isaac Asimov, Il terrore dalla sesta luna di Robert A. Heinlein, solo per citare alcuni capolavori disponibili in questa raccolta.

The collection contains 355 separate issues, ranging from 1950 through 1976. Open Culture notes that it's not quite the entire run of the magazine, but it's got plenty of material to keep fans occupied for years. It includes stories from science fiction legends such as Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, Clifford Simak, and Theodore Sturgeon. There are also some underappreciated authors who deserve re-discovery, such as Kris Neville, Alan E. Nourse, or John Christopher.


Come è cambiato negli anni iOS

Geek   01.07.17  

9To5Mac ripercorre l'evoluzione di iOS, dal 2007 a iOS 10, in attesa della versione stabile di iOS 11.

Introduced alongside the first-generation iPhone in 2007, the then-called iPhone OS was the basis of Apple’s first smartphone and its goal to introduce "a revolutionary product that changes everything."

10 years later, the iOS has evolved just as much as the iPhone hardware has, if not more. Head below as we take a look at the progression of iOS over the years...

When Steve Jobs originally unveiled the iPhone at the Macworld Conference & Expo on January 9, 2007, he proclaimed the iPhone ran "real Mac OS X" and was capable of running "desktop applications." Fast forward a few months and the iPhone operating system had been renamed to just iPhone OS, and thus the introduction of iPhone OS 1.

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