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Cosa sappiamo di Spartan, il futuro browser di Microsoft

Geek   09.01.15  

The Verge prova a svelare qualche segreto di Spartan, il nome in codice del browser che andrà a sostituire Internet Explorer, a partire dall'integrazione con l'assistente vocale Cortana.

Microsoft is planning to use Cortana to surface information on flights, hotel bookings, package tracking, and other data within the traditional address bar. If you use Cortana to track a particular flight and start to search for "American Airlines" in the browser address bar, it will automatically display tracked flights and allow Spartan users to view the status of the flight directly. It's a subtle addition, but you'll also be able to access Cortana search directly from the new tab interface in Spartan. Cortana integration in the Spartan browser is planned to replace every instance of the existing Bing methods in Internet Explorer.