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Google Drive spiegato

Geek   24.04.12  

Arriva Google Drive, il servizio cloud per conservare, editare, condividere e sincronizzare file attraverso i propri dispositivi connessi in rete.
E' la risposta di Mountain View a iCloud, SkyDrive e Dropbox.

AllThingsD e Walt Mossberg analizzano Google Drive in ogni suo dettaglio.

I've been testing Google Drive, which launches today, and I like it. It subsumes the editing and file-creation features of Google Docs, and replaces Google Docs (though any documents you have stored there carry over). In my tests - on a Mac, a Lenovo PC, a new iPad and the latest Samsung Android tablet - Google Drive worked quickly and well, and most of its features operated as promised. At launch, it's available for Windows PCs, Macs and Android devices. The version for the iPhone and iPad is planned for release soon.

Google Drive, which can be found at drive.google.com, offers users 5 gigabytes of free storage, compared with 2 gigabytes free for the popular Dropbox, and equal to the free offering from another cloud storage and syncing service I like, SugarSync. That's enough for thousands of typical documents, photos and songs.