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Il cocktail di Hemingway per combattere la depressione

Wow   26.01.17  

Attraversate un momento difficile e avete necessità di una scossa.
Hemingway ha il cocktail perfetto che fa al caso vostro. Il suo nome è Death in the Gulf Stream.

Da sorseggiare a partire dalle 11 del mattino, come suggeriva il suo autore.

Take a tall thin water tumbler and fill it with finely cracked ice.

Lace this broken debris with 4 good purple splashes of Angostura, add the juice and crushed peel of 1 green lime, and fill glass almost full with Holland gin...

No sugar, no fancying. It's strong, it's bitter—but so is English ale strong and bitter, in many cases.

We don't add sugar to ale, and we don't need sugar in a "Death in the Gulf Stream"—or at least not more than 1 tsp. Its tartness and its bitterness are its chief charm.