
I post con tag "Gigapan" archivio

Giochi Olimpici a gigapixel

Geek   10.08.12  

Il beach volley a Londra 2012

La fotografia da 3 gigapixel, scattata da David Bergman, durante la partita di beach volley femminile tra gli USA e la Svizzera ai Giochi Olimpici di Londra 2012.


Un Obama da 1474 megapixel

Geek   26.01.09  

La foto da un gigapixel e mezzo scattata da David Bergman durante l'Inaugural Address

I made a panoramic image showing the nearly two million people who watched President Obama's inaugural address. To do so, I clamped a Gigapan Imager to the railing on the north media platform about six feet from my photo position. The Gigapan is a robotic camera mount that allows me to take multiple images and stitch them together, creating a massive image file.

My final photo is made up of 220 Canon G10 images and the file is 59,783 X 24,658 pixels or 1,474 megapixels. It took more than six and a half hours for the Gigapan software to put together all of the images on my Macbook Pro and the completed TIF file is almost 2 gigabytes.

Via David Bergman.