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Lo strano dialetto inglese parlato a Bruxelles

Res publica   24.10.15  

Esiste una particolarissima variante dell'inglese, quella parlata nelle istituzioni dell'Unione Europea. L'EU english.

Every profession has its in-group ways of using language, but not every profession requires native speakers of many different languages to communicate with each other every day.

The European Union requires just this, and the people who work there, hashing out, drafting, and translating documents use English in a very particular way. A 2013 EU report outlined some of the unusual qualities of EU English, pointing out that, "over the years, the European institutions have developed a vocabulary that differs from that of any recognised form of English."

Much of that unrecognizable vocabulary is the result of translations or non-native-speaker errors that make a certain kind of sense, but depart from the usual English. Because documents in the EU influence the way other documents are drafted as well as the way discussions proceed, the unusual vocabulary items tend to spread around until they are part of the general professional jargon. Here are 11 examples of words used in EU documents in an odd new way.


L'inglese dei Simpson

Res publica   21.12.14  

Come i Simpson hanno cambiato la lingua inglese secondo il blog degli Oxford Dictionaries.

The first episode of The Simpsons aired twenty-five years ago, on 17 December, 1989, and since then, English has never been the same. Homer, Bart, Lisa, Marge, and their friends in Springfield, Wherever-it-is, have given us fancy words of pure invention, worthy of Lewis Carroll, like cromulent 'legitimate, but not really', and words built from worthy English parts, like the blend of opposites in craptacular 'crappy, with attitude' and embiggening 'enlarging', as well as catch phrases like cowabunga, dude!, and Don't have a cow. Embiggening is the sort of word you make up from scratch when you're lacking the edumacation to know that enlarge already exists, and edumacation is the sort of word you use if you also use embiggening. The infix -ma- is a Homerism, and it's productive -- metabomalism, pantomamime, macamadamia, saxomaphone -- in words that already have too many syllables for Homer to handle. He hears and reanalyzes them in a rock-a-bye nursery rhyme rhythm. For all of Homer's verbal pyromatechnics, however, Ned Flanders is the series' king of indiddlyfixing.


Porno zootecnia

Res publica   15.02.12  

Screenshot del ministero dell'Istruzione

L'inciampo del ministero dell'Istruzione e dell'Università sul titolo di un bando tradotto malamente in inglese strappa un sorriso.

'Dalla pecora al pecorino' tracciabilità e rintracciabilità di filiera nel settore lattiero caseario toscano

Diventa dalla pecora alla pecorina:

'From sheep to Doggy Style' traceability of milk chain in Tuscany

Mai fidarsi delle traduzioni automatiche.