
I post con tag "Microsoft" archivio

Windows 10 in tutte le app del mondo

Geek   30.04.15  

Windows 10 permetterà il porting delle app sviluppate per sistemi iOS e Android.
La nuova filosofia di Microsoft, se non puoi battere i loro app store integrali nel tuo.

iOS and Android developers will be able to port their apps and games directly to Windows universal apps, and Microsoft is enabling this with two new software development kits. On the Android side, Microsoft is enabling developers to use Java and C++ code on Windows 10, and for iOS developers they'll be able to take advantage of their existing Objective C code. "We want to enable developers to leverage their current code and current skills to start building those Windows applications in the Store, and to be able to extend those applications," explained Microsoft's Terry Myerson during an interview with The Verge this morning.

The idea is simple, get apps on Windows 10 without the need for developers to rebuild them fully for Windows. While it sounds simple, the actual process will be a little more complicated than just pushing a few buttons to recompile apps. "Initially it will be analogous to what Amazon offers," notes Myerson, referring to the Android work Microsoft is doing. "If they're using some Google API... we have created Microsoft replacements for those APIs." Microsoft's pitch to developers is to bring their code across without many changes, and then eventually leverage the capabilities of Windows like Cortana, Xbox Live, Holograms, Live Tiles, and more. Microsoft has been testing its new tools with some key developers like King, the maker of Candy Crush Saga, to get games ported across to Windows. Candy Crush Saga as it exists today on Windows Phone has been converted from iOS code using Microsoft's tools without many modifications.


Microsoft HoloLens

Geek   21.01.15  

Il video di presentazione degli HoloLens, gli occhialoni per la realtà aumentata di Microsoft, è talmente vaporware da far dubitare del prodotto stesso. Siamo dalle parti di Surface. Il tavolo.

It's an augmented reality experience that employs a headset, much like all the VR goggles that are currently rising in popularity, but Microsoft's solution adds holograms to the world around you. The HoloLens headset is described as "the most advanced holographic computer the world has ever seen." It's a self-contained computer, including a CPU, a GPU, and a dedicated holographic processor. The dark visor up front contains a see-through display, there's spatial sound so you can "hear" holograms behind you, and HoloLens also integrates a set of motion and environmental sensors.


Questo è Spartan

Geek   21.01.15  

Microsoft Spartan

Microsoft Spartan (o in qualunque modo si chiamerà una volta disponibile la versione stabile) è Safari senza esserlo. O meglio Safari per il resto degli utenti PC.
A prima vista un possibile passo avanti per i browser progettati a Redmond. Restano tutti gli enormi interrogativi su standard web e prestazioni. Per ora non è altro che un grande hopeware.


Cosa sappiamo di Spartan, il futuro browser di Microsoft

Geek   09.01.15  

The Verge prova a svelare qualche segreto di Spartan, il nome in codice del browser che andrà a sostituire Internet Explorer, a partire dall'integrazione con l'assistente vocale Cortana.

Microsoft is planning to use Cortana to surface information on flights, hotel bookings, package tracking, and other data within the traditional address bar. If you use Cortana to track a particular flight and start to search for "American Airlines" in the browser address bar, it will automatically display tracked flights and allow Spartan users to view the status of the flight directly. It's a subtle addition, but you'll also be able to access Cortana search directly from the new tab interface in Spartan. Cortana integration in the Spartan browser is planned to replace every instance of the existing Bing methods in Internet Explorer.


Oltre Internet Explorer

Geek   03.01.15  

Microsoft si prepara a sostituire Internet Exlorer con un nuovo browser. E non sarà solo un semplice un rebranding.

The browser, codenamed Spartan, is set to be shown off on January 21st when Microsoft demonstrates its new Windows 10 operating system, according to people close to the company. But it might not be ready for release when the early version of the software launches the same month.

It will be available for both desktop and mobile versions of the operating system, according to ZDNet.

Though the new browser will be the default one in future versions of the operating system, Windows 10 will ship with a new and backwards-compatible version of Internet Explorer, IE 12, too.


Microsoft Band

Geek   30.10.14  

Non uno smartwatch, ma una fitband. Multipiattaforma, con accesso a tweet, email, messaggistica e all'assistente vocale Cortana. Pronto a misurare la vostra salute.
Si chiama Band, il primo personal device di Microsoft.

Nota a margine. Quel mini display in quella posizione sembra scomodissimo.


Windows 10

Geek   30.09.14  

Screenshot di Windows 10

Non ci sarà nessun Windows 9. Il 2015 vedrà la nascita di Windows 10. O forse Windows Uno Zero.
Un passo avanti rispetto a Windows 7 e un passo indietro rispetto a Windows 8. Microsoft ha scelto la via della familiarità dell'interfaccia abbandonando quella dell'innovazione. Perennemente indecisa tra la svolta tablet/mobile e la sicurezza concessa dalla piattaforma desktop.

Lato enterprise sarà un successo assicurato.


Com'è Office per iPad

Geek   28.03.14  

Engadget ha provato la nuova suite di Office per iPad. Questa è la sua recensione.

Office for iPad is elegantly designed, with a robust feature set and intuitive layout. It's great for people who already have an Office 365 subscription, and it's also one of the only mobile office suites to work with Microsoft's OneDrive service. For everyone else, though, it's an impractical choice -- especially when competing apps like Apple's iWork suite can be had for free.

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