
Wow archivio

Amelia o non Amelia

Wow   06.07.17  

Una foto che mostrerebbe Amelia Earhart e Fred Noonan nelle isole Marshall

La foto che, secondo alcune ipotesi e molti dubbi, mostrerebbe Amelia Earhart e Fred Noonan vivi e vegeti sull'atollo Jaluit, nelle isole Marshall, sopravvissuti in qualche modo alla loro scomparsa durante il fallito tentativo di giro del mondo nel 1937 che ha sempre alimentato la proliferazione di teorie alternative.

[11/07 22:10] Tutti i dubbi sull'autenticità sono stati confermati da un blogger che ha scoperto che la foto in questione fu scattata due anni prima che la Earhart scomparisse.


I capelli dei Lego minifigure

Wow   02.07.17  

Breve storia delle acconciature degli omini Lego raccontata da Racked.

The Lego Group was founded by Danish toymaker Ole Kirk Kristiansen in 1932. In 1949, Kristiansen made the first iteration of the now-iconic Lego brick. 1978 marked the introduction of the minifigure, and Lego hair was born. "The minifigures still remain remarkably true to their original 1978 design, while also reflecting styles and designs of today," says Lego minifigure designer Tara Wike, adding "We do our best to provide a broad selection of characters to inspire all kinds of kids (and adults!) to build and play."

The world of Lego hair is surprisingly sentimental. On the Lego fan forum Eurobricks, there is an entire thread devoted to Lego hair and Lego hair collectors. "I am bald in real life so this is like torture," writes one user, "My favourite is the new Pete Venkman/12th Doctor Who hairpiece because you'd be surprised how many characters from film and TV have that receding hairline and haven't had a good approximation in Lego."


Il sommelier del latte

Wow   19.06.17  

Degustare latte tra gli allevamenti della contea di Sonoma in California con Bas de Groot, sommelier del latte.


30 anni di GIF

Wow   16.06.17  

GIF animata di Homer Simpson

GIPHY celebra il 30º anniversario delle GIF con una mostra alla Gallery 151 di New York dal titolo Time_Frame che raccoglie le più significative GIF animate della storia innalzate ad arte contemporanea.


Il museo del fallimento

Wow   14.06.17  

Nasce il Museum of Failure per raccogliere i più clamorosi, curiosi e disastrosi esempi di prodotti fallimentari lanciati sul mercato negli ultimi decenni.
Tuttavia, come spiegano al museo, il fallimento è parte integrante del processo evolutivo di un prodotto e non deve essere visto esclusivamente come aspetto negativo, ma anche come monito al miglioramento sulla strada dell'innovazione.


L'impero dei mattoncini

Wow   10.06.17  

Nascita, caduta e resurrezione dell'impero dei mattoncini. Il segreto del successo del brand Lego raccontato dal Guardian.

From its founding in 1932 until 1998, Lego had never posted a loss. By 2003 it was in big trouble. Sales were down 30% year-on-year and it was $800m in debt. An internal report revealed it hadn’t added anything of value to its portfolio for a decade.

Consultants hurried to Lego’s Danish HQ. They advised diversification. The brick had been around since the 1950s, they said, it was obsolete. Lego should look to Mattel, home to Fisher-Price, Barbie, Hot Wheels and Matchbox toys, a company whose portfolio was broad and varied. Lego took their advice: in doing so it almost went bust. It introduced jewellery for girls. There were Lego clothes. It opened theme parks that cost £125m to build and lost £25m in their first year. It built its own video games company from scratch, the largest installation of Silicon Graphics supercomputers in northern Europe, despite having no experience in the field. Lego's toys still sold, particularly tie-ins, like their Star Wars and Harry Potter-themed kits. But only if there was a movie out that year. Otherwise they sat on shelves.

"We are on a burning platform," Lego's CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp told colleagues. "We're running out of cash... [and] likely won't survive"

In 2015, the still privately owned, family controlled Lego Group overtook Ferrari to become the world’s most powerful brand. It announced profits of £660m, making it the number one toy company in Europe and Asia, and number three in North America, where sales topped $1bn for the first time. From 2008 to 2010 its profits quadrupled, outstripping Apple's. Indeed, it has been called the Apple of toys: a profit-generating, design-driven miracle built around premium, intuitive, covetable hardware that fans can't get enough of. Last year Lego sold 75bn bricks. Lego people — "Minifigures" — the 4cm-tall yellow characters with dotty eyes, permanent grins, hooks for hands and pegs for legs — outnumber humans.

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