
L'ultima suora mastro birraio d'Europa

Wow   05.10.14  

Si chiama Doris Engelhard, sorella Doris Engelhard, del convento francescano di Mallersdorf, in Baviera. Da 45 anni è mastro birrario dell'abbazia e da agosto l'ultima sorella a esserlo rimasta in Europa.

L'Atlantic racconta la sua storia divisa tra fede e luppolo.

The abbey makes a different beer for each season, including maibock, a doppelbock, a dark zoigl, and a copper-hued lager. But given that the beer is made with natural ingredients and is not treated with preservatives, it doesn’t travel well--you can only find it in the vicinity of the abbey. "It's a fresh product," Sister Doris says. "Beer is not supposed to be left sitting. It changes the taste. It should be enjoyed as soon as possible."

Sister Doris says she never expected that her call to serve God would lead her to brewing beer, but she loves her work and will do it until her health prevents her from doing so. "You can serve God everywhere, no matter what profession or job you have," she says. "As Saint Benedict wrote, 'in all things God may be glorified,' and that is also true of beer."

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