
Multimedia archivio

La nascita di South Park

Multimedia   25.11.16  

Iniziò tutto con una storia sul Natale e i regali. Enterteinment racconta la genesi della serie che ha ammazzato Kenny.

Matt and I were at the University of Colorado at Boulder [in 1992]. When you're in the film school, you're working on someone's film every weekend, so you're spending your weekends on set. Matt and I would always end up either running cameras or running sound or something. Shoots are so f--king boring, and we would just sit there doing voices for each other—that's where it actually started. We would always talk like these little kids and make each other laugh. So we had a year of doing little skits with the voices before we shot anything. The film department showed student films at the end of the semester. I was like, "There should be something Christmassy," because these screenings were a few days before Christmas. I had done one even before that, called American History, with construction paper cutouts, and I got a student award for it. So Matt and I just did this little Jesus and Frosty thing.


Le rigenerazioni di Doctor Who

Multimedia   23.11.16  

Il montaggio della BBC, in occasione del 53° anniversario di Doctor Who, che ripercorre tutte le rigenerazioni, il processo vitale attraverso il quale i Signori del Tempo continuano a vivere in un nuovo corpo diverso dal precedente per aspetto e personalità.
Un lungo viaggio temporale da William Hartnell a Peter Capaldi.


La canzone più rilassante del mondo

Multimedia   16.11.16  

Secondo una ricerca condotta dal dr. David Lewis-Hodgson, la canzone più rilassante del mondo è Weightless. Il brano è stato prodotto dalla band Marconi Union in collaborazione con la British Academy of Sound Therapy.

Studies found Weightless was 11 per cent more relaxing than any other song and even made many of the women "drowsy" in the lab.

It induced a 65 per cent reduction in overall anxiety and brought them to a level 35 per cent lower than their usual resting rates.

The song features guitar, piano and electronic samples of natural soundscapes.

It is pierced throughout by buddhist-like chants that induce a trance-like state.


Architettura horror

Multimedia   13.11.16  

8 film horror che hanno utilizzato l'architettura e lo sviluppo urbano per terrorizzare il pubblico.

Architecture can play an important role in good horror—dating all the way back to Horace Walpole's 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto. In cinema, the fiends tend to get all the attention, yet some of the best horror movies use environment and space as storytelling tools akin to monsters and villains. Some of these films are classics; others are relatively unknown. What unites them all, though, is that they aim to do more than just scare us—they aim to provoke thought about the built world in which we live.


L'archivio personale di Stanley Kubrick

Multimedia   11.11.16  

Stanley Kubrick's Boxes è il documentario diretto da Jon Ronson sul vasto archivio personale di Stanley Kubrick. Oltre 1.000 scatole piene di materiale relativo ai suoi film tra cui foto, ritagli di giornale, lettere, documenti e ricerche.

The journey to the Kubrick house starts normally. You drive through rural Hertfordshire, passing ordinary-sized postwar houses and opticians and vets. Then you turn right at an electric gate with a "Do Not Trespass" sign. Drive through that, and through some woods, and past a long, white fence with the paint peeling off, and then another electric gate, and then another electric gate, and then another electric gate, and you’re in the middle of an estate full of boxes.

There are boxes everywhere — shelves of boxes in the stable block, rooms full of boxes in the main house. In the fields, where racehorses once stood and grazed, are half a dozen portable cabins, each packed with boxes. These are the boxes that contain the legendary Kubrick archive.


Gli omaggi di Miyazaki

Multimedia   10.11.16  

Candice Drouet ha raccolto in un video alcuni notevoli riferimenti cinematografici che si possono notare nei film d'animazione diretti da Hayao Miyazaki.

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