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Il telecronista perde tutta la sua freddezza nordica per il gol dell'Islanda

Res publica   23.06.16  

Il sogno dell'avventura europea dell'Islanda nella voce del telecronista al gol, decisivo per il passaggio del turno, contro l'Austria al 90esimo.

Everything's open! Theódór Elmar! Is he alone on their side of the field? Three on two! Emmi [short for Elmar]! Inside the box! Inside the box! Emmi!
YEEEEEES! YEEEEEES! YEEEEEES! YEEEEEES! YEEEEEES! YEEEEEES! We are winning! We have qualified to the 16 team final! We have qualified to the 16 team competition! We are winning Austria! The voice is gone, but that doesn't matter, we have qualified!
Arnór Ingvi Traustason! Just scored! Iceland two, Austria one! What a moment! What a moment! What! The referee has called the game, and I have never, I have never felt this good!
Arnór Ingvi Traustason guarantees us the first win in the Euros! We have never lost, don't forget that, we have never lost but the first win is a fact! Iceland two, Austria one.
Thanks for coming Austria, thanks for coming!


La fase a gironi di Euro 2016 in foto

Res publica   23.06.16  

Russia e Slovacchia a Euro 2016

Gareth Bale a Euro 2016

Pioggia e grandine a Lione a Euro 2016

Italia e Svezia a Euro 2016

La Spagna a Euro 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo a Euro 2016

L'inghilterra a Euro 2016

Il pallone scoppiato a Euro 2016

L'Islanda a Euro 2016

Belgio e Svezia a Euro 2016

I gol dopo l'80esimo, l'Italia che parte alla grande e poi non onora la terza partita facendo riposare 8/11 dei titolari. La rivincita delle piccole, il sogno dell'Islanda e la difficoltà delle grandi. Le deludenti Inghilterra e Portogallo. I campi da gioco in condizioni pessime. La solita Spagna e la solita Germania. Il tifo dei francesi. L'Ungheria prima del suo girone fa subito 1916. Il pallone scoppiato. Gareth Bale al cubo e le capigliature da podio nel ranking FIFA dei giocatori del belgio a Euro 2016, in attesa degli ottavi di finale con il tabellone diviso equamente tra le sfide tra l'Olimpo del calcio mondiale e quelle tra scapoli contro ammogliati.


Il dopo Ban Ki-moon

Res publica   21.06.16  

Un bilancio sui dieci anni di Ban Ki-moon a pochi mesi dallo scadere del suo mandato il 31 dicembre e le manovre politiche per individuare il possibile prossimo segretario generale delle Nazioni Unite tra undici candidati, tra cui cinque donne, nell'editoriale di Le Monde.


6.000 anni di urbanizzazione

Res publica   12.06.16  

6.000 anni di urbanizzazione in una mappa

La mappa della storia dell'urbanizzazione di tutte le maggiori città, a partire dal 3.700 a.C., creata dai ricercatori della Yale University e della University of Canterbury.

In this graphic the spatial coverage of points represents all cities included in the final dataset. Cities recording the earliest first population data point are pictured in red and are centered near Mesopotamia, while cities with the most recent first population data point are pictured in dark blue. It is important to note that the first population point for each city does not necessarily indicate its origin as a city.


Vola come una farfalla, pungi come un'ape

Res publica   04.06.16  

Sei articoli da leggere sulla straordinaria e drammatica vita e la pazzesca carriera sportiva di Muhammad Ali, nato Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.

I crossed the yard, climbed the couple of steps on the side of the Winnebago, and prepared to knock. Ali opened the door before I got the chance. I’d forgotten how huge he is. His presence filled the doorway. He had to lean under the frame to see me.

I felt no nervousness. Ali's face, in many ways, is as familiar to me as my father's. His skin remained unmarked, his countenance had nearly perfect symmetry. Yet something was different: Ali was no longer the world’s prettiest man. This was only partly related to his illness; it was also because he was heavier than he needed to be. He remained handsome, but in the way of a youngish granddad who tells stories about how he could have been a movie star, if he'd wanted. His pulchritude used to challenge us; now he looked a bit more like us, and less like an avatar sent by Allah.


La genesi della borsa di carta

Res publica   31.05.16  

La storia della nascita delle borse di carta e della donna che fu capace di rivoluzionarne il concetto.
Una storia di ingegno, femmisimo e e spirito imprenditoriale raccontata da Aeon.

The race was on to produce a paper bag that was both sturdy and easy to make. In 1852, the American Francis Wolle received the first patent for a paper-bag machine. It used steam and paste to create bags in the shape of envelopes. Though the machine became popular, the bags it produced were cumbersome and of limited use – picture a load of groceries in a large envelope-shaped sack. Still, they were better than nothing at all, and factories producing the bags multiplied. In the late 1860s, Margaret Knight, a tall, endlessly inquisitive and hard-working New Englander, went to work for the Columbia Paper Bag Company in Springfield, Massachusetts. Within a few years, her ingenious designs would revolutionise the industry.

By the time she joined the Columbia Paper Bag Company as a lowly factory worker, the 30-something, unmarried Knight had spent years as a 'Jill-of-all-trades', becoming proficient in daguerreotype, photography, engraving, house repair and upholstering. Spending long hours at the factory, she soon heard of current efforts to create a machine that could efficiently manufacture flat-bottomed paper bags. 'I am told that there is no such machine known as a square-bottomed machine,' she wrote in her journal. 'I mean to try away at it until I get my ideas worked out.' Independent of the factory and without her bosses' knowledge, Knight began to study the issue intently.


La seconda dolcissima volta di Vincenzo Nibali

Res publica   29.05.16  

Steven Kruijswijk al Giro d'Italia 2016

Neve sulle Alpi al Giro d'Italia 2016

Nibali al Giro d'Italia 2016

Nibali al Giro d'Italia 2016

Nibali e la famiglia Chaves al Giro d'Italia 2016

Nibali al Giro d'Italia 2016

La corsa rosa a tappe più famosa al mondo decisa in una manciata di giorni tra cadute spettacolari, fughe solitarie, neve, classifiche stravolte, il calore della famiglia Chaves e un rinato Vincenzo Nibali che conquista il suo secondo Giro d'Italia.
Ora per lo Squalo dello Stretto si aprono le strade di Rio 2016 e del Tour.

La prima e la seconda settimana del Giro d'Italia in foto.

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