
I post con tag "Droni" archivio

L'Aquila di Zuckerberg

Geek   31.07.15  

Il primo prototipo di drone a energia solare con un'apertura alare paragonabile a quella di un Boeing 737, sviluppato da Internet.org per connettere a internet via laser aree in via di sviluppo sprovviste di infrastrutture di rete, è pronto a prendere il volo.


Un giro dell'Antartide in drone

Wow   28.04.15  

La costa, i suoi colori e la natura selvaggia, inospitale e affascinante dell'Antartide.

This movie was shot during our 20 days trip to Antarctica in December 2014 to January 2015.

We started from Ushuaia in Argentina and went to Port Williams in Chile, rounded Cape Horn and crossed the Drake Passage towards the Melchior Islands in Antarctica. We spent 16 days in the Antarctic and got to experience the most amazing scenery and wildlife before we returned back to Ushuaia.


Il giro di New York a volo di drone

Wow   07.01.15  

Un drone ha ripreso i paesaggi più caratteristici di tutti e cinque i distretti in cui è suddivisa New York: Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn e Staten Island. Un giro attraverso la città che non dorme mai in meno di 5 minuti.


Quando tutti avremo un drone in tasca

Geek   17.12.14  

Un possibile e vicinissimo futuro in cui i droni personali saranno ubiqui, immaginato nei suoi aspetti positivi e negativi da Zoltan Istvan.

Over the next decade, we'll see the rise of lightweight drones that fit in your pocket. In all practicality, they will be flying smartphones. I call them that because some manufactures believe drones might actually replace smartphones as the key communication device in the world. And those manufacturers plan to outfit drones with far more than camera capabilities.

That sounds pretty good to me. I would like my smartphone and pal Siri to be airborne, so they can follow my daughter to school, see if the mail has arrived yet, and do a surf check for me so I don't have to leave my house. Frankly, it's not difficult to imagine myriad reasons a flying smartphone would be beneficial.

However, there are probably many reasons to be cautious, too. Will jealous people have personal drones follow and film their spouses and lovers? Will criminals use personal drones to pay for and pick up hard drugs? Will landlords spy on tenants doing questionable activities? These are challenging questions--many which involve violations of what some people consider essential personal freedoms.

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