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Il buen retiro di Osama

Res publica   02.05.11  

"When we saw the compound, we were shocked by what we saw: an extraordinarily unique compound."

The plot of land was roughly eight times larger than the other homes in the area. It was built in 2005 on the outskirts of town, but now some other homes are nearby.

"Physical security is extraordinary: 12 to 16 foot walls, walled areas, restricted access by two security gates." The residents burn their trash, unlike their neighbors. There are no windows facing the road. One part of the compound has its own seven-foot privacy wall.

And unusual for a multi-million-dollar home: It has no telephone or internet service.

This home, US intelligence analysts concluded, was "custom built to hide someone of significance."

Il compound dove si nascondeva Osama bin Laden.


E ora cosa succede?

Res publica   02.05.11  

L'analisi di Kristoff sul dopo Osama bin Laden.

So what does this mean? First, it is good for the United States reputation, power and influence that we finally got bin Laden. Bin Laden’s ability to escape from the U.S., and his apparent impunity, fed an image in some Islamist quarters of America as a paper tiger - and that encouraged extremists. Bin Laden himself once said that people bet on the strong horse, the horse that will win, and the killing underscores that it's the United States that is the horse to bet on. Moreover, this sends a message that you mess with America at your peril, and that there will be consequences for a terror attack on the United States.

That said, killing bin Laden does not end Al Qaeda. Ayman al-Zawahri, the Egyptian No. 2, has long played a crucial role as Al Qaeda's COO. And Al Qaeda is more of a loose network than a tightly structured organization, and that has become even more true in recent years. AQIM, the version of Al Qaeda in North Africa, is a real threat in countries like Mali and Mauritania, and killing bin Laden will probably have negligible consequences there. The AQIM terrorists may admire Osama and be inspired by him, but they also are believed to be largely independent of him. And Anwar al-Awlaki, the Qaeda-linked terrorist in Yemen, likewise won’t be deterred by bin Laden's killing - Awlaki’s ability to engage in terrorism will be affected more by the upheavals now taking place in Yemen and whether that country has a strong and legitimate government that takes counter-terrorism seriously.


Dove si nascondeva e come è stato ucciso Osama bin Laden

Res publica   02.05.11  

Screenshot di Google Maps

Il compound dove si nascondeva Osama bin Laden

Il complesso ad Abbotabad da un milione di dollari, poco lontano da Islamabad e nei pressi di un'importante base militare pakistana, dove sino a ieri si nascondeva l'uomo più ricercato del pianeta, visto con Google Maps.

Dalla discussione venerdì, tra i vertici militari e il presidente Obama, dei dettagli dell'operazione, all'annuncio dell'uccisione. USA Today racconta le fasi della missione che ha portato 14 Navy Seal in elicottero dall'Afghanistan al rifugio - senza collegamenti internet - e al successivo scontro a fuoco con Osama bin Laden, causa della sua morte e di quella di altri quattro terroristi tra cui anche un suo figlio.

Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden.


Osama bin Laden ucciso dalle forze speciali

Res publica   02.05.11  

Osama bin Laden

Scovato in un compound ad Abbotabad, vicino Islamabad, in Pakistan a 3.519 giorni dall'attentato dell'11 settembre.

I dettagli della cattura di Osama bin Laden sulla CNN.

L'esercito mostra la foto del cadavere colpito alla testa, mentre l'America scende per le strade a festeggiare cantando l'inno nazionale e sventolando bandiere a stelle e strisce.

1957, 2011. Il necrologio e la diretta sul Guardian.

We will kill bin Laden

A tre anni dall'annuncio in campagna elettorale, il presidente Obama porta a compimento quell'obiettivo sempre sfuggito a Bush durante i suoi due mandati.

Let us think back to the sense of unity that prevailed on 9/11. I know that is has, at times, frayed. We are once against reminded that America can do whatever we set our mind to.

[11:20] La foto del cadavere di Obama, che a quanto pare già sepolto in mare, è un falso della tv pachistana.