
I post con tag "G8" archivio

Prestigio internazionale

Res publica   07.07.09  

The Italians have no ideas and have decided that best thing to do is to spread the agenda extremely thinly to obscure the fact that didn't really have an agenda. [...]
The most likely replacement for the G8 is likely to be between 13- and 16-strong, including rising powers such as China, India, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa, which currently attend meetings as the "outreach five" But any transition would be painful as countries jostle for a seat. Italy's removal is seen in a possibility but Spanish membership in its place is unlikely.

La previsione del Guardian è un'Italia fuori dai futuri G8.
Il passo successivo è l'abbandono in autostrada.



Res publica   14.11.08  

Quella notte del 2001, a Genova in una scuola, qualche invasato ha cercato di spaccare quante più teste poteva.

La magistratura ha tenuto a precisare che agivano a titolo personale.


Sospendere la democrazia

Multimedia   18.07.08  

Nick Davies firma "The bloody battle of Genoa", un dettagliato resoconto a proposito del G8 di Genova.
Le conclusioni non sono dissimili da quanto ci raccontava Corrado Guzzanti giusto in quegli anni.

Fifty-two days after the attack on the Diaz school, 19 men used planes full of passengers as flying bombs and shifted the bedrock of assumptions on which western democracies had based their business. Since then, politicians who would never describe themselves as fascists have allowed the mass tapping of telephones and monitoring of emails, detention without trial, systematic torture, the calibrated drowning of detainees, unlimited house arrest and the targeted killing of suspects, while the procedure of extradition has been replaced by "extraordinary rendition". This isn't fascism with jack-booted dictators with foam on their lips. It's the pragmatism of nicely turned-out politicians. But the result looks very similar. Genoa tells us that when the state feels threatened, the rule of law can be suspended. Anywhere.


2001 Genova, Messico

Res publica   21.07.07  

6 anni fa, oggi.

"Arrivato al primo piano dell'istituto ho trovato in atto delle colluttazioni. Quattro poliziotti, due con cintura bianca e gli altri in borghese stavano infierendo su manifestanti inermi a terra. Sembrava una macelleria messicana."
"Durante le indagini non ebbi il coraggio di rivelare un comportamento così grave da parte dei poliziotti per spirito di appartenenza."

Vicequestore Michelangelo Fournier, udienza del 13 Giugno del processo sui fatti della scuola Diaz in occasione del G8 di Genova del 2001.

Crosspost su BlogFriends, GBC.