
I post con tag "Google" archivio

La storia di Android, da startup a gigante

Geek   29.03.15  

Se oggi Google può permettersi di essere leader del mercato dei sistemi operativi mobili con Android, lo deve ad Andy Rubin e all'aver scelto un modello di business, che a differenza di Apple, è progettato per attrarre le compagnie telefoniche invece di concentrarsi sul rapporto diretto con il cliente.

[...] the iPhone contributed to Android's success in a strange way.

The iPhone was released as an exclusive to AT&T, and the buzz around its launch alone was enough to convince the world that this was going to be big.

By 2009 the growing success of the iPhone had become a problem for Verizon, one former Google employee on the Android team said. The company had no real smartphone option that could compete with the iPhone just yet.

The iPhone pushed phone manufacturers and carriers to side with Android.

Carriers viewed the iPhone as the biggest threat to their business models. With the iPhone, Apple owned the relationship with the customer -- not AT&T. And customers were switching from other carriers to AT&T to get their hands on the iPhone.

So when the iPhone was announced, it was much easier for Android to sign on with carrier partners.

Compared to the iPhone, Android was a much more appealing opportunity for carriers. Rubin and his team pitched it as a platform for developers, not consumers, which made carriers and phone manufacturers feel more comfortable.

"At the time, the strategy was to counter," one source who previously worked in Google’s Android division said. "Look at what Android brings as a way for them to actually fight the iPhone from kicking [carriers] out of relevance... Let's find terms that carriers would be happy with that will help them in their crusade against the iPhone."

Carriers could modify the phones and add their branding, which gave them some control over the product.


Il sito che vuole restare invisibile a Google

Geek   09.03.15  

Unindexed è il sito internet che aiutato da una community si cancella e si ricrea in un ciclo infinito per sfuggire ogni volta alla sua indicizzazione su Google. A metà strada tra l'incubo di ogni SEO e una geniale opera concettuale sulla privacy al tempo della società dell'informazione.

Nothing has been done to prevent the site from being indexed, however the NOARCHIVE meta tag is specified which prevents the Googles from caching their own copy of the content.

The content for this site is stored in memory only (via Redis) and is loaded in via a file from an encrypted partition on my personal laptop. This partition is then destroyed immediately after launching the site. Redis backups are disabled. The content is flushed from memory once the site detects that it has been indexed.

The URL of the site can be algorithmically generated and is configured via environment variable, so this source code can be made public without disclosing the location of the site to bots.

Visitors can leave comments on the site while it is active. These comments are similarly flushed along with the rest of the content upon index event, making them equally ephemeral.


Il campus open space di Google

Geek   05.03.15  

Il progetto per i nuovi uffici di Google a Mountain View. Edifici modulari e strutture trasparenti, capaci di fondere gli spazi aperti dell'ambiente naturale con le esigenze di vivere e lavorare al coperto.
Soluzioni architettoniche che potrebbero essere adottate anche su larga scala.

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