
I post con tag "Html5" archivio

HTML5 non è ancora pronto per il web

Geek   07.10.10  

Parola di W3C, il consorzio che cerca di definire gli standard di sviluppo per il web.

There is already a lot of excitement for HTML5, but it's a little too early to deploy it because we're running into interoperability issues.

Una dichiarazione ineccepibile, considerando che HTML5 è tutt'ora allo stadio di draft e dovranno passerà un paio di anni prima di uscire da questa fase.
Questo non impedirà in nessun modo a nessun web designer di proseguire lo sviluppo di nuovi progetti.
La strada è stata tracciata, le aspettative sono elevate, i finanziamenti sono ormai troppo cospicui.

Come da disclaimer, questo blog si pregia di usare già HTML5.


HTML5 oggi

Geek   23.09.10  

You can't escape it. Everyone's talking about HTML5. it's perhaps the most hyped technology since people started putting rounded corners on everything and using unnecessary gradients. In fact, a lot of what people call HTML5 is actually just old-fashioned DHTML or AJAX. Mixed in with all the information is a lot of misinformation, so here, jQuery expert Remy Sharp and Opera’s Bruce Lawson look at some of the myths and sort the truth from the common misconceptions.

Miti e realtà sul futuro del web design, che stiamo già vivendo.


Il player universale di Vimeo

Geek   17.08.10  

Vimeo ha rilasciato un player che permette all'utente di guardare i video caricati sulla piattaforma su dispositivi mobili come iPhone e iPad, grazie al nuovo standard web HTML5.
Un'esperienza sinora negata a causa dell'uso di Flash - incompatibile con i device di Apple - nella realizzazione del player.


Gli standard web visti da Apple

Geek   04.06.10  

Apple propone uno showcase per dimostrare le potenzialità dei futuri standard web, HTML5 e CSS3.

Every new Apple mobile device and every new Mac - along with the latest version of Apple's Safari web browser - supports web standards including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. These web standards are open, reliable, highly secure, and efficient. They allow web designers and developers to create advanced graphics, typography, animations, and transitions. Standards aren't add-ons to the web. They are the web. And you can start using them today.

Inspiegabilmente è richiesto Safari per visualizzare le dimostrazioni.


Amiamo Apple

Geek   13.05.10  

La lettera di Adobe

Continua la sfida tra Adobe e Apple sul futuro di Flash e il rapporto con internet e la libertà di scelta degli utenti.
A questo giro è Adobe a pubblicare una lettera, intitolata "Le nostre idee sul libero mercato", in cui Chuck Geschke e John Warnock ribattono la loro verità alle accuse lanciate da Steve Jobs.


Il futuro del web passa da HTML5

Geek   15.03.10  

Mac Slocum: How is HTML5 different than HTML as we currently know it?

Eric Meyer: It's really the HTML we're all used to plus more elements. But that's the 80/20 answer. HTML5 adds new elements for things like sections of a document and articles, and figures and captions for figures. So it covers things that a lot of us do all the time, like create «div class="figure"» and then «p class="caption"» inside of that to go along with an image. Now there's just an element called "figure" and you insert an image and you have an element after that called "caption." There's been an attempt to look at what people are doing. What class names are people using over and over again? What structures are they setting up over and over again? Because HTML doesn't have elements that directly address those. The HTML5 spec also attempts to very precisely and exhaustively describe what browsers should do in pretty much any given circumstance. Older HTML specifications would simply say: "These are the elements. These are the attributes. Here are some basic parsing rules. Here is what you're supposed to do if you encounter an error." HTML5 has these really long algorithms that say: "Do this, then this, then this, then this. And if you hit a problem, here, do this other thing." There's a lot of debate as to whether that's even a good idea. But if the vision that's encoded in those algorithms is brought out -- I'm not saying it will be, but if it is, then browsers will be a lot more interoperable. But that's the base level answer. As you push further into the more obscure corners, then the answer to "how is HTML5 different?" becomes much more complicated.

Via O'Reilly Radar.


Il futuro del web design

Geek   22.11.09  

Steve Smith dice la sua su HTML5, CSS3 e sul futuro del web design.

What's the "Future of Web Design"?

Gradients. Lots and lots of gradients. Seriously, though, I think it's taking the aspects of design, interface, and simplicity that we're learning and spreading it to other industries. I see openings all over the market for small, niche web apps that meet real needs to people in specific markets other than our own. I see us web developers and designers digging into other careers and applying our knowledge of design to solve problems in new, creative ways through web technology. And that's exciting.


I super amici di HTML5

Geek   02.09.09  

We, the undersigned, wish to declare our support for the direction in which the HTML5 specification is heading. Its introduction of a limited set of additional semantic elements, its instructions on how to handle failure, and its integration of application development tools hold the promise of richer and more consistent user experiences, faster prototyping, and increased human and machine semantics.

HTML5 is not perfect in our estimation, not that any markup language could be. In particular, we have significant concerns about some aspects of the specification. But we are optimistic that the official channels provided by the working group will offer a sufficient and fair hearing of our concerns.

Via HTML5 Super Friends.