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L'uomo dietro all'accordo sul clima alla COP 21

Res publica   15.12.15  

Laurent Fabius, il ministro degli Esteri francese che ha riassunto gli interessi particolari di 195 stati nel più rilevante accordo sul clima dai tempi di Kyoto.
La sua storia e la storia di questo successo su Wired.

On day nine of the now-completed Paris climate talks, a negotiator from the small island nation of East Timor made a modest proposal: If the climate deal was signed, he would nominate Laurent Fabius for the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. The East Timoran diplomat was half-joking, but not at the French foreign minister's expense. As president of this high level UN meeting, Fabius was responsible for translating 195 nations worth of desires, disputes, and compromises into a document to save civilization from climate change.

And, spoiler: He pulled it off.