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Tutto quello che c'è da sapere su Windows 8.1

Geek   18.10.13  

Screenshot di Windows 8.1

The Verge ha provato il primo aggiornamento di Windows 8 appena rilasciato da Microsoft.

A year ago, Microsoft "reimagined" the look and feel of Windows, and placed a risky bet on the future of computing. Touch is everything, it said, and nearly everything about Windows 8 was designed to be used in a world without laptops and desktop PCs. But most people still use laptops and desktops, so Microsoft hedged its bets and built a desktop mode as well. Millions of people installed Windows 8, but Microsoft's two worlds, each with different applications, created a steep learning curve with Windows 8 that wasn't familiar for traditional Windows users.

With Windows 8.1, a free update designed to address some of its users' concerns and enable a faster pace of Windows releases, Microsoft tries to bridge the gap between old and new, between mouse and touchscreen. The new OS looks and feels mostly the same, but its many small tweaks make for a significant update -- and hint at the future of Microsoft's vision for its own computing platform. Microsoft is completely invested in Windows 8, and it's been busy over the last twelve months, but making Windows 8.1 into something easier and more familiar is no small task. Microsoft's chance to usher in the touch-friendly, tablet-filled future it imagines -- take two.


La nascita di Microsoft

Geek   10.10.13  

Gli anni di Bill Gates ad Harvard riportati da Walter Isaacson.

It may have been the most momentous purchase of a magazine in the history of the Out of Town News stand in Harvard Square. Paul Allen, a college dropout from Seattle, wandered into the cluttered kiosk one snowy day in December 1974 and saw that the new issue of Popular Electronics featured a home computer for hobbyists, called the Altair, that was just coming on the market. He was both exhilarated and dismayed. Although thrilled that the era of the "personal" computer seemed to have arrived, he was afraid that he was going to miss the party. Slapping down 75 cents, he grabbed the issue and trotted through the slush to the Currier House room of Bill Gates, a Harvard sophomore and fellow computer fanatic from Lakeside High School in Seattle, who had convinced Allen to drop out of college and move to Cambridge. "Hey, this thing is happening without us," Allen declared. Gates began to rock back and forth, as he often did during moments of intensity. When he finished the article, he realized that Allen was right. For the next eight weeks, the two of them embarked on a frenzy of code writing that would change the nature of the computer business.

What Gates and Allen set out to do, during the Christmas break of 1974 and the subsequent January reading period when Gates was supposed to be studying for exams, was to create the software for personal computers. "When Paul showed me that magazine, there was no such thing as a software industry," Gates recalled. "We had the insight that you could create one. And we did." Years later, reflecting on his innovations, he said, "That was the most important idea that I ever had."


Premi start per telefonare

Geek   03.09.13  

La Microsoft del dimissionario Steve Ballmer, incapace di leggere la transizione del mercato post-PC, acquisisce per 7,17 miliardi di dollari (5,44 miliardi di euro) la Nokia, l'azienda che è passata da essere leader di mercato nella telefonia all'irrilevanza; il cui CEO Stephen Elop, che ha commesso l'errore strategico di scegliere Windows Phone rispetto ad Android come os per gli smartphone finlandesi, è ora uno dei candidati per prendere le redini a Redmond.
Inutile farsi illusioni. Sarà certamente un successo.


L'uomo che guidava la Microsoft

Geek   25.08.13  

Il fallimento di Steve Ballmer nel traghettare la più grande azienda di software al mondo nell'era post-PC raccontato dal New Yorker alla luce del suo ritiro.

Ballmer is roughly the tech industry's equivalent of Mikhail Gorbachev, without the coup and the tanks and Red Square. When he took control, in 2000, Microsoft was one of the most powerful and feared companies in the world. It had a market capitalization of around five hundred billion dollars, the highest of any company on earth. Developers referred to it as an "evil empire." As he leaves, it's a sprawling shadow. It still has cash-but that matters little.

What has gone wrong? For starters, Ballmer proved to be the anti-Steve Jobs. He missed every major trend in technology. His innovations alienated people. When he tried something new, like Windows Vista, the public lined up around the block to trade it in. Microsoft missed social networking. It completely misjudged the iPhone and the iPad. It embraced complexity in product design just as everyone was turning toward simplicity. It entered growing markets too late. When was the last time you used Bing? In 2000, Microsoft made most of its money selling Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows. Today, it still makes its money that way. Ballmer's reign has done more to defang Microsoft than the Justice Department could ever have hoped to do.


Windows 8.1

Geek   15.08.13  

Il primo aggiornamento gratuito per Windows 8 e Windows RT sarà disponibile dal 17 ottobre.

Windows 8.1 brings many improvements in areas like personalization, Internet Explorer 11, search which is powered by Bing, built-in apps including a few new ones, an improved Windows Store experience, and cloud connectivity with SkyDrive (and much more) that people will enjoy.


Xbox One

Geek   21.05.13  

Microsoft Xbox One

La console di Microsoft si candida a diventare il vero centro multimediale di casa. Dai videogiochi alla tv, dalle videochiamate all'intrattenimento, dalle app a internet.
Il nuovo Kinect con comandi vocali e sensori di riconoscimeno legato l'home entertainment ricorda molto da vicino alcuni concept pensati per l'ipotetica tv di Apple.

Tutto molto massiccio anche se comunque elegante.
La Xbox One, che non sarà retrocompatibile con Xbox 360, promette tantissimo e con i suoi numeri ha in mano le carte per competere alla pari con la prossima PlayStation 4 e forse superare la Wii U.
Nella pratica la battaglia delle console, come sempre, sarà decisa dall'offerta videoludica migliore. It's all about the games.

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