
I post con tag "Time Lapse" archivio

La fioritura dei ciliegi in time lapse ripresa dal drone

Wow   01.05.17  

Jack Johnston ha realizzato per la BBC questo spettacolare video in time lapse che mostra la fioritura dei ciliegi giapponesi ripresa con un drone.

A few months ago I was asked to film a series of lapse time shots of the Cherry Blossom trees in Japan for a BBC Springwatch Special. After months of testing and working out the kinks in the process, this is a selection of shots that featured in the final show.


Il time lapse della Via Lattea da un aereo

Wow   28.04.17  

Sales Wick, pilota della Swiss, ha filmato dalla cabina di pilotaggio un time lapse della Via Lattea vista durante il volo da Zurigo a San Paolo.

I had to take many attempts and a lot of trying to figure it out. Basically the challenge is to keep shutter speed as fast as possible in order to get razor sharp images. While you can use the 500 or 600 rule on ground this doesn't work out the same way while being up in the sky. Well of course basically it does if you dont fly perpendicular to the movement of the night sky but even if its really smooth there are usually some liggt movements of the aircraft. So depending on the focal length of your lense you can get exposure times between 15" to 1". Thats why you will need a camera that can handle high iso. Thats where the A7s comes into play and of course a ver fast lense. The rest is a good mounting and some luck. Last but not least you need to keep the flight deck as dark as possible to get the least reflections...and the rest is magic ;)


La più grande struttura mobile al mondo avvolge il reattore n° 4 di Chernobyl

Res publica   29.11.16  

Il time lapse del posizionamento finale del New Safe Confinement, il nuovo sarcofago di confinamento progettato per sigillare completamente i resti del reattore numero 4 della centrale di Chernobyl e il precedente sarcofago di contenimento eretto nel 1986.

Thirty years after the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, the radioactive remains of the power plant's destroyed reactor 4 have been safely enclosed following one of the world’s most ambitious engineering projects.
Chernobyl's giant New Safe Confinement (NSC) was moved over a distance of 327 metres from its assembly point to its final resting place, completely enclosing a previous makeshift shelter that was hastily assembled immediately after the 1986 accident.

The equipment in the New Safe Confinement will now be connected to the new technological building which will serve as a control room for future operations inside the arch. The New Safe Confinement will be sealed off from the environment hermetically. Finally, after intensive testing of all equipment and commissioning, handover of the New Safe Confinement to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant administration is expected in November 2017.


La formazione dei cristalli

Geek   22.09.16  

Due affascinanti macro time lapse sul processo di cristallizzazione.

The subjects of this project were droplets of saturated aqueous solutions containing various inorganic salts (e.g. table salt, sodium sulfate etc.). The evaporation of water initiated the crystallization processes inside the droplets, which were captured by time-lapse photography.

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