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Come Siri impara una lingua

Geek   10.03.17  

Il team di Siri spiega il processo con cui vengono insegnate nuove lingue all'assistente vocale di Apple.

The human speech is recorded and transcribed by other humans. This forms a canonical representation of words and how they sound aloud, dictated by real people to ensure accuracy. This raw training data is then fed into an algorithmic machine training model.

The computer language model attempts to predict the transcription of arbitrary strings of words. The algorithm can improve automatically over time as it is trained with more data. Apple will tune the data a little internally and then move onto the next step.

Instead of jumping straight to Siri, Apple releases the new language as a feature of iOS and macOS dictation, available on the iPhone keyboard by pressing the microphone key next to the spacebar. This allows Apple to gain more speech samples (sent anonymously) from a much wider base of people.

These real-world audio clips naturally incorporate background noise and non-perfect speech like coughing, pauses and slurring. Apple takes the samples and transcribes them by humans, then using this newly verified pairing of audio and text as more input data for the language model. The report says this secondary process cuts the dictation error rate in half.

Apple repeats this procedure until it feels it has made the system accurate enough that is ready to roll out as a headline Siri feature. Separately, voice actors record speech sequences so that Siri can synthesize audio and perform text-to-speech with replies.


I mobili a incastro Ikea

Geek   08.03.17  

Da qualche anno Ikea sta progettando mobili che non necessitano lunghi montaggi con brugole e cacciaviti, grazie a un nuovo sistema di montaggio a incastro chiamato wedge dowel, tassello a cuneo.
I primi prodotti in commercio sono i tavoli della serie Lisabo.


10 rivoluzionarie tecnologie del 2017

Geek   06.03.17  

Il MIT Technology Review ha raccolto dieci tecnolgie che a partire da quest'anno potranno influenzare il nostro stile di vita, l'economia, la politica, la medicina e la nostra cultura.

Reversing Paralysis
Scientists are making remarkable progress at using brain implants to restore the freedom of movement that spinal cord injuries take away.

Self-Driving Trucks
Tractor-trailers without a human at the wheel will soon barrel onto highways near you. What will this mean for the nation's 1.7 million truck drivers?

Paying with Your Face
Face-detecting systems in China now authorize payments, provide access to facilities, and track down criminals. Will other countries follow?

Practical Quantum Computers
Advances at Google, Intel, and several research groups indicate that computers with previously unimaginable power are finally within reach.

The 360-Degree Selfie
Inexpensive cameras that make spherical images are opening a new era in photography and changing the way people share stories.

Hot Solar Cells
By converting heat to focused beams of light, a new solar device could create cheap and continuous power.

Gene Therapy 2.0
Scientists have solved fundamental problems that were holding back cures for rare hereditary disorders. Next we'll see if the same approach can take on cancer, heart disease, and other common illnesses.

The Cell Atlas
Biology's next mega-project will find out what we're really made of.

Botnets of Things
The relentless push to add connectivity to home gadgets is creating dangerous side effects that figure to get even worse.

Reinforcement Learning
By experimenting, computers are figuring out how to do things that no programmer could teach them.


Fuji X-T2 è la migliore mirrorless mai costruita

Geek   02.03.17  

Può la Fujifilm X-T2 essere la migliore fotocamera in commercio? Un'atipica recensione del gioiello mirrorless della casa giapponese che continua a stupire il mercato della fotografia.

Finally, the Fuji XT2 is actually greater than the sum of its parts. Yes it works great, it's lightweight and affordably priced. More than that however, the XT2 is a true joy to shoot with. It feels great in the hand. The buttons and knobs are placed in intuitively welcome locations. The soft click of the aperture rings on the lenses are comforting. The LCD viewfinder with histogram guarantees that I'll nail each exposure every time. The color and look of the files are fantastic. More than any other camera I own–or have owned–this is the camera I want to shoot with.

Simply put, the XT2 is the best balance of price, weight, performance and usability that I've experienced in my 26 years of professional photography. If you're a lifestyle, wedding, portrait or serious enthusiast photographer, the Fuji XT2 camera will serve you well and without excuse.


Una spa per scimmie

Geek   26.02.17  

Da oltre 50 anni i macachi giapponesi, che vivono tra le montagne del Parco Nazionale Joshinetsu-Kogen, trascorrono il periodo invernale alle terme naturali delle sorgenti calde di Jigokudani a Nagano, diventandone una delle principali attrazioni turistiche e fonte di studio per biologi e sociologi.


Un sistema planetario pronto a ospitare la vita

Geek   22.02.17  

La NASA ha annunciato di aver scoperto sette esopianeti di tipo terrestre che orbitano attorno alla stella nana Trappist-1, tutti candidati a ospitare un'atmosfera e acqua allo stato liquido.

The planets orbit a dwarf star named Trappist-1, about 40 light years, or about 235 trillion miles, from Earth. That is quite close, and by happy accident, the orientation of the orbits of the seven planets allows them to be studied in great detail.

One or more of the exoplanets - planets around stars other than the sun - in this new system could be at the right temperature to be awash in oceans of water, astronomers said, based on the distance of the planets from the dwarf star.

"This is the first time so many planets of this kind are found around the same star," said Michael Gillon, an astronomer at the University of Liege in Belgium and the leader of an international team that has been observing Trappist-1.

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