Tre dei più grandi successi di Apple quest'anno festeggeranno il loro decimo anniversario.
Mac OS X.
In March of 2001, Apple launched Mac OS X 10.0, the first major release of its new OS following its initial Public Beta of the previous fall. While loaded on new Macs, the new OS was not setup as the default boot system because it was noticeably slower than Mac OS 9 and offered few obvious advantages, given the lack of native software available.
In September, Apple followed up with a free 10.1 release that addressed performance and glaring omissions, including the ability to play DVDs. By the next summer, Apple was ready to stage a mock funeral for Mac OS 9, telling its Mac developers at WWDC that Mac OS X was the future. A series of attractive hardware releases, including the thin new 2001 Titanium PowerBook, 2002's distinctive iMac G4 and 2003's Power Mac G5 (the first mainstream 64-bit personal computer) helped Apple to attract new users to Macs years after many pundits had dismissed the platform.
Apple's success with the Mac OS X platform was also tied to the release of the iPod in 2001, which dramatically turned around the public perception of the company. Ten years ago this month, Apple launched iTunes, a free software release built around Casady & Greenes' SoundJam MP music jukebox app, which Apple had acquired the previous year.
Apple Store.
Apple's ability to sell both Mac OS X and the iPod were tied to a third development that turns ten years old this year: Apple Retail. Throughout the 90s, Apple experienced a significant disadvantage in trying to sell its premium computers through retailers who could far more easily push cheap PC systems that relied exclusively upon price to clinch the sale. Many retailers were also able to make more money assembling their own house brand PCs, and could make even more money selling service and support for them.