
Settembre 2014 archivio

Windows 10

Geek   30.09.14  

Screenshot di Windows 10

Non ci sarà nessun Windows 9. Il 2015 vedrà la nascita di Windows 10. O forse Windows Uno Zero.
Un passo avanti rispetto a Windows 7 e un passo indietro rispetto a Windows 8. Microsoft ha scelto la via della familiarità dell'interfaccia abbandonando quella dell'innovazione. Perennemente indecisa tra la svolta tablet/mobile e la sicurezza concessa dalla piattaforma desktop.

Lato enterprise sarà un successo assicurato.


Doom coi Lego

Wow   29.09.14  

Le ambientazioni e le atmosfere del videogame Doom ricreate con oltre 15.000 mattoncini Lego e tre mesi di lavoro da Iain "Ochre Jelly" Heath.



Wow   29.09.14  

Los Angeles ripresa magnificamente in time lapse nella notte della superluna da TimeLAX.


I volti del Progetto Manhattan

Geek   27.09.14  

I volti del Progetto Manhattan

Alex Wellerstein ha raccolto i badge con le foto di tutti gli scienziati e i tecnici che hanno lavorato a Los Alamos nel Progetto Manhattan, che sviluppò e produsse le prime bombe atomiche durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

At Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project -- Project Y, as it was called -- badges served multiple purposes. They said who was allowed inside the facility, sure. No badge, no entry. But they were also color-coded to describe the breadth of your access. Yellow meant that you could go into technical areas of the lab, but could receive no classified information -- like guards. Blue was for people who needed classified information but not technical information -- clerks and warehouse employees. Red was for people who could get some technical information within a highly compartmentalized state -- technicians and secretaries. White was for those who could know it all -- everything that was to be done at Los Alamos. Early on, General Groves had wanted Los Alamos to be considerably compartmentalized, but Oppenheimer and others fought it. The result was that white badgers had the run of the lab, more or less, and could attend laboratory-wide colloquia.


I Predatori dell'Arca Perduta muto e in bianco e nero

Multimedia   27.09.14  

Indiana Jones e I Predatori dell'Arca Perduta in bianco e nero, muto e con una colonna sonora originale tratta da The Social Network.
È l'esperimento didattico del regista Steven Soderbergh per approfondire e studiare la costruzione visiva del film. Una versione de I Predatori assolutamente affascinante.

So I want you to watch this movie and think only about staging, how the shots are built and laid out, what the rules of movement are, what the cutting patterns are. See if you can reproduce the thought process that resulted in these choices by asking yourself: why was each shot--whether short or long--held for that exact length of time and placed in that order? Sounds like fun, right? It actually is. To me. Oh, and I've removed all sound and color from the film, apart from a score designed to aid you in your quest to just study the visual staging aspect. Wait, WHAT? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? Well, I'm not saying I'm like, ALLOWED to do this, I'm just saying this is what I do when I try to learn about staging, and this filmmaker forgot more about staging by the time he made his first feature than I know to this day (for example, no matter how fast the cuts come, you always know exactly where you are--that's high level visual math shit).



Multimedia   26.09.14  

Entangled è un corto di fantascienza diretto da Tony Elliott che esplora le conseguenze di un esperimento di fisica quantistica capace di permettere un viaggio attraverso realtà parallele.

Forced to care for her catatonic lover Malcolm after a secret quantum experiment goes awry, Erin is determined to uncover the cause of his condition -- even at the risk of her own life. This riveting contemporary science-fiction story, from one of the writers of Orphan Black, bridges alternate dimensions as it explores how far a person will go for someone they love.



Multimedia   25.09.14  

Aspirational è il cortometraggio diretto da Matthew Frost con Kirsten Dunst che racconta come in un prossimo futuro (tipo domani) le persone non saranno interessate alle celebrità in quanto tali, ma a come sfruttarne la popolarità per aumentare la propria sui social network.

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