
I post con tag "Donne" archivio

Le donne della musica classica

Multimedia   05.12.16  

La playlist del New York Times con opere di musica classica composte esclusivamente da donne; compositrici straordinarie troppo spesso eclissate dai colleghi uomini.

HIS MONTH AT the Metropolitan Opera, audiences can see and hear, for the first time there in over a century, an opera composed by a woman — Kaija Saariaho's "L'Amour de Loin." The milestone is shocking — and it can be explained, if not fully justified.


La genesi della borsa di carta

Res publica   31.05.16  

La storia della nascita delle borse di carta e della donna che fu capace di rivoluzionarne il concetto.
Una storia di ingegno, femmisimo e e spirito imprenditoriale raccontata da Aeon.

The race was on to produce a paper bag that was both sturdy and easy to make. In 1852, the American Francis Wolle received the first patent for a paper-bag machine. It used steam and paste to create bags in the shape of envelopes. Though the machine became popular, the bags it produced were cumbersome and of limited use – picture a load of groceries in a large envelope-shaped sack. Still, they were better than nothing at all, and factories producing the bags multiplied. In the late 1860s, Margaret Knight, a tall, endlessly inquisitive and hard-working New Englander, went to work for the Columbia Paper Bag Company in Springfield, Massachusetts. Within a few years, her ingenious designs would revolutionise the industry.

By the time she joined the Columbia Paper Bag Company as a lowly factory worker, the 30-something, unmarried Knight had spent years as a 'Jill-of-all-trades', becoming proficient in daguerreotype, photography, engraving, house repair and upholstering. Spending long hours at the factory, she soon heard of current efforts to create a machine that could efficiently manufacture flat-bottomed paper bags. 'I am told that there is no such machine known as a square-bottomed machine,' she wrote in her journal. 'I mean to try away at it until I get my ideas worked out.' Independent of the factory and without her bosses' knowledge, Knight began to study the issue intently.


19 scienziate straordinarie in pillole

Geek   08.03.16  

19 brevi biografie di altrettante donne che hanno rivoluzionato la scienza e il mondo.

Fabiola Gianotti — Italian particle physicist Fabiola Gianotti, 53, is the first female Director-General of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) and led the institution during the recent discovery of the Higgs boson as part of the ATLAS experiment.

Lise Meitner — Austrian physicist Lise Meitner (1878-1968) was a key member of a small group of scientists who discovered nuclear fission. Notably, one of her colleagues and her long-time collaborator, Otto Hahn, was awarded the 1944 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work on nuclear fission. Meitner's exclusion has since been considered to be an error by the Nobel committee.

Rita Levi-Montalcini — Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012) was known for her work in neurobiology. Along with Stanley Cohen, she won the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of nerve growth factor, a protein controlling growth and development. Prior to her death in 2012, she was the oldest living Nobel laureate and first ever to reach their 100th birthday.


Sii te stessa e diventa ciò che vuoi

Multimedia   27.10.15  

Imagine The Possibilities, lo spot di Barbie dove l'emancipazione femminile passa attraverso l'immaginazione e il gioco e inizia sin da bambine.

Barbie è stata creata in origine per mostrare alle ragazze che hanno delle scelte, un dato di fatto che la maggior parte delle persone hanno dimenticato. Così abbiamo deciso di mostrare a tutti come le bambine giocano e dimostrano che, quando usano le Barbie, in realtà giocano con le possibilità che il proprio futuro gli offre.

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