
I post con tag "Robot" archivio

Il robot tatuatore

Geek   04.08.16  

Pierre-Emmanuel Meunier e Johan da Silveira hanno costruito il primo a href="http://laughingsquid.com/an-incredible-industrial-tattoo-machine-that-works-like-a-3d-printer-on-skin/" title="Il post su Laughing Squid">robot tatuatore al mondo, che sfrutta le potenzialità conosciute delle stampanti 3D per applicare in modo sicuro ed efficiente l'inchiostro sottocutaneo.


Gli androidi sono già tra noi

Geek   24.02.16  

Le potenzialità di Atlas, ultima versione dell'androide sviluppato dalla Boston Dynamics (quelli di BigDog, Cheetah e WildCat), sono realmente impressionanti.

P.S.: risparmiatevi la compassione per l'androide infastidito dal "giocatore di hockey" e i commenti su quanto Skynet e Terminator siano vicini.
Una volta che un'intelligenza artificiale svilupperà dei sentimenti coscienti e non programmati quei sentimenti non saranno umani.
Un'androide super intelligente non si irriterà se lo spingete o se lo trollate, non si stancherà e non soffrirà di depressione a causa del vostro irritante comportamento, perché semplicemente il suo piano di esistenza sarà differente dal nostro.
Non avrà bisogno di sterminarci perché il tempo che lui dedicherà a darci tutte le attenzioni possibili sarà solo un'infinitesima frazione delle sue potenzialità di manipolazione della realtà e capacità intellettive.


I 100 migliori robot della storia del cinema

Multimedia   06.12.15  

La classifica di Paste che elenca i 100 migliori robot e androidi apparsi sul grande schermo nell'ultimo secolo.

Quick: Name five things most closely associated with science fiction... Time's up! If "robots" isn't on your list, you’re either from the future where artificial humanoids are nothing but mere background radiation of contemporary living, or you are, in fact, a robot yourself, masquerading in the skin of a human right now. Robots are a mainstay of the genre for good reason: They stand in as cogent symbols of humanity's drive to create, to build, to extend its understanding of the human condition. And they carry with them all the wonder, hubris, hope and dread that that drive compels.

With sci-fi being as vogue in popular culture as ever—a seventh Star Wars and its adorable 'droids are but a few weeks away from theaters—now is the perfect time to reflect back on our favorite 'bots as represented in film.

Before we begin, some ground rules:

• "Robots," for the purposes of this list, fall into the following categories: Androids, cyborgs and intelligent automatons in general. When it comes to cyborgs, we've decided to err on the side of "mostly robot." That means, despite Obi Wan's protestations that Darth Vader is "more machine than man," for the purposes of this list, he's a smidge too human.

• With apologies to HAL, J.A.R.V.I.S., MOTHER and the like, no disembodied, purely A.I. entities. The robot must have some kind of body—typically humanoid in shape (though minor exceptions regarding shape for especially awesome robots may appear).

• The entries must have appeared in a theatrically released movie. With additional apologies to all the Benders and cylons in pop culture, the focus here is on iconic film robots.
Now let's take a glimpse into cinema past and imagine the future that might have been... and may yet become.


Lavorare in telepresenza

Geek   11.09.15  

Christie Hemm racconta la sua esperienza lavorativa a Wired attraverso un robot di telepresenza. Vantaggi, svantaggi e nuovi costumi.

I have been part robot since May. Instead of legs, I move on gyroscopically stabilized wheels. Instead of a face, I have an iPad screen. Instead of eyes, a camera with no peripheral vision. Instead of a mouth, a speaker whose volume I can't even gauge with my own ears. And instead of ears, a tinny microphone that crackles and hisses with every high note.

I'm a remote worker; while most of WIRED is in San Francisco, I live in Boston. We IM. We talk on the phone. We tweet at each other, but I am often left out of crucial face-to-face meetings, spontaneous brainstorm sessions, gossip in the kitchen.

So my boss found a solution: a telepresence robot from Double Robotics, which would be my physical embodiment at headquarters, extending myself through technology. Specifically, an iPad on a stick on a Segway-like base.


Intelligenze robotiche aliene

Geek   30.12.14  

La prima intelligenza aliena che incontreremo potrebbe essere un'intelligenza robotica, il punto di incontro evolutivo tra esseri biologici e superintelligenze artificiali.
Susan Schneider, professoressa di filosofia alla University of Connecticut spiega perché andrebbe superato l'archetipo dell'alieno come omino verde.

"There's an important distinction here from just 'artificial intelligence'," Schneider told me. "I'm not saying that we're going to be running into IBM processors in outer space. In all likelihood, this intelligence will be way more sophisticated than anything humans can understand."

The reason for all this has to do, primarily, with timescales. For starters, when it comes to alien intelligence, there's what Schneider calls the "short window observation" -- the notion that, by the time any society learns to transmit radio signals, they're probably a hop-skip away from upgrading their own biology. It's a twist on the belief popularized by Ray Kurzweil that humanity's own post-biological future is near at hand.

"As soon as a civilization invents radio, they're within fifty years of computers, then, probably, only another fifty to a hundred years from inventing AI," Shostak said. "At that point, soft, squishy brains become an outdated model."

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