
I post con tag "New York" archivio

Gramsci a New York

Wow   01.07.13  

L'artista svizzero Thomas Hirschhorn ha portato Gramsci a Forest Houses, nel cuore del Bronx, realizzando una delle iniziative più originali dell'estate newyorchese.
Il Gramsci Monument sarà un'opera da vivere, centro pulsante del quartiere tra happening, reading, internet point, corsi, concerti e una biblioteca dedicata all'intellettuale incarcerato dal regime fascista.

Per Hirschhorn si tratta del suo quarto e ultimo progetto della serie "monuments" dopo quelli dedicati a Spinoza ad Amsterdam, a Gilles Deleuze ad Avignone e per George Bataille a Kassel, in Germania.


L'icona della rinascita economica

Res publica   02.05.13  

New York vista dall'Empire State Building

Il primo maggio del 1931 veniva inaugurato l'Empire State Building. Speculazione immobiliare in piena Grande Depressione, simbolo di un nuovo inizio per New York e gli Stati Uniti.
Assolutamente attuale 82 anni dopo.

The construction of the Empire State Building reads like a tall tale. Designed by William F. Lamb, his firm produced drawings of the building in two weeks. From its groundbreaking on January 22, 1930, the skyscraper was built in just 401 days and was simultaneously entered into a competition for "World’s Tallest Building", along with the Chrysler building and 40 Wall Street. Even as it was being built, the Empire State building was hailed as a feat of American engineering, with 102 floors, 73 elevators, 9,000 faucets, and, with the addition of the spire in 1952, a height of 1,453 feet. The building was so big that it was given its own zip code: 10118. Upon its dedication on May 1, 1931, it was indeed the tallest building in the world, a title it held for 42 years until the dedication of the World Trade Center towers in 1972.


New York al buio in time lapse

Res publica   10.11.12  

Jared Levy e Michael Marantz hanno filmato il blackout a New York causato dal passaggio dell'uragano Sandy.

Seeing lower Manhattan without power was a surreal experience. This is traditionally a city that never sleeps. One in which the lights are always on. One that is always bustling with people. When the lights went out it was wholly different. This piece is meant to capture and relay the feeling of what it was like to walk around the darkened streets of lower Manhattan.


La foto di New York al buio

Multimedia   05.11.12  

Il fotografo Iwan Baan racconta come è riuscito a realizzare l'iconica immagine di Lower Manhattan immersa nel buio dopo il passaggio dell'uragano Sandy, pubblicata sul New York magazine.

Baan made the image Wednesday night after the storm, using the new Canon 1D X with the new 24-70mm lens on full open aperture. The camera was set at 25,000 ISO, with a 1/40th of a second shutter speed.

[...] Imagine crouching inside a vibrating helicopter, clutching a handheld camera and peering down at the devastated landscape of a city just ravaged by a storm that's claimed more than 100 lives. Now imagine what it feels like to have no door between you and that wide expanse of nothing, just 46-degree air ripping around the sky. And somehow managing, despite the darkness, to capture such a vivid, emotional snapshot.

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