
I post con tag "Videogame" archivio

Come acchiappare i Pokémon rari in Pokémon Go

Geek   12.07.16  

Digg ha raccolto una serie di guide e suggerimenti per trovare e acchiappare quanti più Pokémon rari possibili nel nuovo successo planetario di Nintendo, Pokémon Go.

Pokémon Go, Nintendo's first mobile-based Pokémon title, is officially out worldwide, and that means thousands of budding trainers will be hitting the streets looking for wild Pokémon.

It also means thousands of people will be walking around cities and towns looking intently at their phones disregarding all manner of hazards in the quest to be the best like no one ever was. But how to play Pokémon Go safely is another post.

Here's how to catch your first Pokémon, then catch more rare Pokémon and finally power them up so you can capture gyms for your team.

The Most Important Thing You Need To Do Is Walk

"The point of Pokémon Go is to travel around, exploring different geographic areas to find appropriate Pokémon. In a small town, expect to find a lot of normal- and grass-types. Going near water will attract water Pokémon. Playing at night brings out more nocturnal creatures, like Clefairy and Gastly."


Zelda 30 anni dopo

Geek   21.02.16  

Le avventure di Link in una timeline lunga 30 anni.

When he was looking to create a new game for the Famicom Disk System — an add-on for the NES that never launched outside of Japan — designer Shigeru Miyamoto built a prototype in which two players could make their own dungeons, and then explore their friend's creation. The exploration proved to be the most fun part, so Miyamoto and his team scrapped the creation tools and went ahead building a world of mountains and forests and lakes that players could traverse. They called it Hyrule. The game never launched on the Disk System; instead it turned into The Legend of Zelda, a defining game for Miyamoto, Nintendo, and gaming in general.


25 anni di Civilization

Geek   21.02.16  

Il videogioco di strategia a turni per antonomasia che abbraccia l'intera storia della storia dell'umanità ha compiuto 25 anni.
1 miliardo di ore giocate, 66 versioni e 33 milioni di copie vendute dopo, VentureBeat ripercorre la storia della creazione di Sid Meier. Civilization.

Civ game designers from across those 25 years — Bruce Shelley, Sid Meier, Brian Reynolds, and Soren Johnson — got together in a panel at the DICE Summit today, the game event in Las Vegas, to talk about the design and impact of Civ throughout the years. [...]

At the time the game came out, Sim City and Populous had already debuted in the "god games" genre. But Civ was still unique in how it tried to simulate all of human history.

"We felt the game was fun," Meier said. "There was no game like this. We could break new ground and make it work."

Meier said the game had its started in a "golden period of MicroProse," after the company had shipped hit games like Railroad Tycoon, Covert Action, Pirates!, and various flight simulators.

"There was a hint that strategy might be something cool," Meier said. "Beyond railroads, what was an epic topic for simulation? We wanted to end up with something big. What about the history of Civilization? We were inspired by SimCity with god games. The core was a number of simple systems: economic, combat, growth. Everything was understandable on its own. Once it all interacted, the decisions for the player became very interesting."


Storia dei Lemmings

Geek   09.06.15  

Rich Stanton ripercorre la nascita e il successo di uno dei videogiochi più dirompenti di sempre. I Lemmings.

Lemmings simply offers something different. The sprites with flouncy hair soon become friends, their dedication and helplessness an irresistible pull. The size of the lemmings, that first impulse behind their creation, has the neat effect of making minor hills huge and half-screen gaps cavernous, thus ennobling their acts. The animations shine with personality: the sheer exertion in every swing of a basher's hands, captured in that split-second the limb is held aloft before crashing down. And Gary Timmins, the animator and one of the level designers on Lemmings, points out that the builder 'shrugging' when it has finished building wasn't just a neat piece of characterisation -- it also gives the player more time to react. The sprites cease to be an 8×10 grid of pixels, and become lemmings, looking to the player for direction and salvation. This mix of buttons that Lemmingspushes in a player -- caring and bloodthirsty -- still feels fresh. As the release date loomed, DMA and Psygnosis realised that this might be a problem. Lemmings was, in Jones' words, an 'impossible game to describe' and therefore a marketing nightmare. But it wasn't complex -- people just had to play it to understand the appeal. The strategy was to get as many demos out as possible, which in 1990/1991 meant a tonne of magazine covermounts.

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