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C'è una città da spostare in Svezia

Res publica   21.05.15  

Il nuovo centro di Kiruna

L'Atlantic racconta la storia di Kiruna, la città svedese fondata nel '900 per servire una delle più grandi miniere di ferro del mondo, che entro i prossimi decenni verrà spostata di qualche chilometro, comportando il trasferimento di quasi 20.000 persone, a causa della deformazione del suolo in seguito all'attività mineraria.

Though some aspects of the move may prove wrenching, the new Kiruna will be a substantial improvement over the old one, which was founded in 1900. A master plan by White, a Swedish architecture firm, provides for a denser and altogether livelier town center. Kiruna is now somewhat sprawling and unfocused. As in other towns and cities, stores have been drifting from downtown to the outskirts. Despite its small population, Kiruna has some of the downsides of a larger city: the surrounding pine forests aren't easily accessible on foot, and depending on where you live, downtown may not be either.

The new plan gives Kiruna's center more magnetic pull. Stores, cafés, and the town hall will be regrouped around a compact square designed by the firm Kjellander + Sjöberg, with narrow feeder streets designed to protect pedestrians from the wind. These new streets will wrap around the city square like a cocoon , making outside activities more attractive during the dark winter months and providing a key site for a biennial culture festival. The new town's residential streets will also be surprisingly metropolitan. Residents will be concentrated in ultra-insulated (and in some cases yardless) apartments on streets arranged along an east-west axis. This plan will stretch the city into a more walkable configuration, with residents a short stroll from the forest.

Kiruna's move will happen slowly—very slowly. Starting with the first demolitions this spring, the town has given itself 85 years to retreat fully from the mine . The break between old and new will be neither sudden nor absolute; instead, as new neighborhoods are built on Kiruna's eastern edge and old ones disappear, the town will inch eastward. By 2100, a greener city will have a zigzagging border that will bring fingers of open space close to the town's heart.


Sweden Sans

Wow   26.10.14  

Il font Sweden Sans

Il governo svedese ha deciso di commissionare un font che rappresenti la Svezia.
Ecco come è nato il caratere Sweden Sans.

According to its creators, Stockholm design agency Söderhavet and font designer Stefan Hattenbach, Sweden Sans is a "modern" but edgy typeface with some local tweaks -- a filled umlaut for the letter "å," for instance, and a line that cuts through the zero. It’s unusual because it's mono-spaced -- every character is the same width --but takes its inspiration from old street signs.

Sans is meant to encapsulate fuzzy Scandinavian concepts -- progressivism, authenticity, lagom (Swedish for "just the right amount"). So how does it do it? "It's a pretty open typeface. They're simple shapes," Hattenbach says over the phone. "We've worked on the spaces between the letters to try to keep it light and airy." Wide holes inside of an enclosed "p" or "o" might have the same effect. To a type nerd, things get technical, and fast.

"I think it's pretty easy to tell that the descriptions are a typical sales pitch," says Rikard Heberling, a graphic designer based in Stockholm. But ultimately Sweden Sans is more about promoting "the myths of a certain Swedish taste or mentality," he says. "It is merely a branding tool."


L'Unione Nordica

Res publica   06.11.10  

L'idea non è nuova. Unire tutti i paesi scandinavi in un'unica nazione confederata.
Danimarca, Norvegia, Islanda, Finlandia e Svezia loro dipendenze, manterrebbero le loro legislazioni per le materie di ambito locale, ma l'economia, le politiche del lavoro, la difesa e i rapporti con gli altri paesi verrebbero demandati ai nascenti organismi federali.

L'Unione Nordica diverrebbe la dodicesima economia mondiale e prenderebbe stabilmente parte al G20.
Tutti da definire i rapporti con l'Unione Europea. Mentre l'Islanda sembra intenzionata a intraprendere il cammino verso Bruxelles di ben altro avviso rimane la Norvegia.

L'idea ripresa dallo storico svedese Gunnar Wetterberg ha provocato reazioni contrastanti.
Se i governi sembrano interessati ad una maggiore cooperazione - in fondo il background culturale e linguistico comune è evidente - gli scandinavi restano freddi all'ipotesi.

Nell'annuale seduta del Consiglio nordico, che si è appena conclusa a Reykjavik, si è parlato anche di questo.

The united Nordic federation is a realistic Utopia that could be achieved within 20 years.

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